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May 31, 2005
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Ok, sorry i have been MIA.. lots going on..

[*]been housesitting and the commute is a time killer.. over 50 miles round trip! that darn puppy is a pest, alot to care for!

[*]BF is no longer. caught HIM again and so, well, BUUHHBYE!

[*]Leaving for VACA on Friday, was told, get your work done completely or you cannot go.. so i have been feverishly getting it done. I do a job that used to be done by THREE people, now its done by ME.. no one else..

[*]Mom got a job! and things have been insane..

So, thats where i have been. No time during the day to post with everything looming..

Love you all! LOTS!

oh wow! what did he do this time?!?!?!

glad that you're going on vacay though and getting away from everything

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) Missed you Lauryn! ditto! hope everything's okay and hope you have a great vacation!
Heck, have you been busy or what Lauryn! Missed you lots. Hope you have a fabulous vacation.

well, she texted messaged him to say "r u ok" sunday night. i mean, if you're not talking to someone, why would they text you, ya know? he denied up and down he had been talking to her. Then yesterday, without going thru the whole drawn out story, i got into his voicemail, which is programmed on MY phone by him, skipped to the last message to get a number i desperately needed, which is why i didnt pay attention to begin with..well, the last message was supposed to be my friends neighbor. Instead it was a message saying she couldn't meet him at 6:15 etc etc.etc. i called the right VM and got the neighbors number, so then i took care of that emergency, called HIM and asked how the day was going, and what he was doing that night, he siad nothing, so i blasted him about the VM, he said he didn't even hear it. I didn't belive him, so i emailed HER and told her off, she sent me back an email saying she had texted him before and he didnt answer. that she hadn't talked to him since that email. I dont know if i did something wrong or not. I addressed the voicemail, and she didn't say anything. Other than he's nuts and that she doesnt want him. I hope i didn't jump to conclusions. But, not for nothin, i just dont need to worry if he IS lying.. i wanna be sure he's NOT. I guess this is best.

Originally Posted by Charmaine I agree. You wouldn't want to be one of those neurotic women who keep on spying on their men and can't even live their own life anymore. And what if you ended up getting married? It could lead to a divorce and a lot of problems dividing property and the shuffling the children back and forth....that's the worst-case scenario I could think of. So definitely, you are better off without him. (((((HUGS))))) I would be neurotic. i know that, and its scary that YOU know that too! It hurts, but i am OK. I am sure he'll call.. once he realizes what hes done.. but then. its gonna be too late.
Hi Lauryn,

Sorry to here about all the BS with the boyfriend.
It is probably better now than later. I too would probably be one of those neurotic people. No thanks, I hate to envision myself like that, better just to be rid of the drama. That is just my opinion though. I am so glad that you are going on a vacation, if anyone needs it, you do. HAVE FUN

Glad to hear you're surviving!! (And I think you deserve better than him anyway!)

((hugs)) I am glad you got rid of him! It is too hard to work on a relationship if there is no trust. Obviously he isn't good enough for you!!! Take good care and enjoy your vacation.

Originally Posted by MacForMe well, she texted messaged him to say "r u ok" sunday night. i mean, if you're not talking to someone, why would they text you, ya know? he denied up and down he had been talking to her. Then yesterday, without going thru the whole drawn out story, i got into his voicemail, which is programmed on MY phone by him, skipped to the last message to get a number i desperately needed, which is why i didnt pay attention to begin with..well, the last message was supposed to be my friends neighbor. Instead it was a message saying she couldn't meet him at 6:15 etc etc.etc. i called the right VM and got the neighbors number, so then i took care of that emergency, called HIM and asked how the day was going, and what he was doing that night, he siad nothing, so i blasted him about the VM, he said he didn't even hear it. I didn't belive him, so i emailed HER and told her off, she sent me back an email saying she had texted him before and he didnt answer. that she hadn't talked to him since that email. I dont know if i did something wrong or not. I addressed the voicemail, and she didn't say anything. Other than he's nuts and that she doesnt want him. I hope i didn't jump to conclusions. But, not for nothin, i just dont need to worry if he IS lying.. i wanna be sure he's NOT. I guess this is best. Welcome back Miss MOTM!!
Not for nothing... if she was so innocent in all this and it was all him - she wouldn't be texting him or leaving voicemails.... AT ALL. I think the whole thing sounds like a bunch of BS - you're probably better off out of that situation ... GOOD FOR YOU!!!

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