Anyone else Celiac or gluten free? forums

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Dec 12, 2012
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Hi I'm from Toronto,Ontario just wondering if anyone else follows a gluten free diet. It's so frustrating sometimes so many things that I miss :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Originally Posted by chrissygirlca /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi I'm from Toronto,Ontario just wondering if anyone else follows a gluten free diet. It's so frustrating sometimes so many things that I miss
I don't but I have a friend who has to and I love to cook so I'm always adapting recipes for her. is a vegan dessert blog and she has a ton of GF recipes and everything I've tried from her tastes delicious (she has GF brownies and cookies and all sorts of yummies). For pasta I really like this brand of quinoa pasta that comes in a tiffany blu-ish box that has navy and red text on it (I'll add a url of an image below).I don't even buy normal pasta for myself anymore because that kind is so much healthier and I don't notice too much of a taste difference. They make all different kinds! Good luck! I have a really severe lactose/casein allergy myself so I know how annoying it is to miss out on your favorite yummies!

Oh I don't eat dairy either it's a little better now if i take a Lactaid. Thank you so much! If I see any interesting dairy free recipes I will let you know.

My mom has a lactose free milk (cow milk), which is good, my cat likes it too ^^ (my cat is old but never grew out of her milk addiction). For yogurts, she eats those made with ewe or goat milk (beware of the fat though). Soy milk or yogurts are fine, but not exclusively. As for cheese, the refining process is said to kill lactose, so a little won't harm you.

For cooking, we use soy cream, her milk, or rice milk, and coconut milk for certain recipes. The only real issue is whipped cream, all the plant based alternatives don't have enough fat or thickness to make a good whipped cream.

Eating gluten free is relatively simple if you cook yourself (there are other cereals), not that i ate a lot before but even for the occasional laziness all the ready meals at the supermarket are to be avoided because if you're a celiac, even possible crossed contamination is too much. I'm not a celiac, however gluten makes me bloat, and i have trouble with barley and rye, they cause wreak havoc in my intestines. guess what flours are used in traditional gingerbreads :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

The only trouble i have is baking gluten free. I always cut my flour with corn starch for fluffy cakes, but i can't find a good replacement for wheat flour. Some specialised brands make special blends of flour, but they're pricey and not easily found.

It's just hard cuz I used to like to eat out lol but it is healthier for me so it is not so bad. Your right alot of places have gluten free everything now, just certain things like crossings and beef patties lol that I miss. Funny about your cat I don't feed mine milk she would be so fat LOL. She love her treats :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

They make all different kinds! Good luck! I have a really severe lactose/casein allergy myself so


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