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Anyone shop at the MAC on fifth ave in New York?...

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May 8, 2011
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I'll put this out there, I am pretty nervous hearing about rude associates in the rants board, and the fact I am transgender doesn't make me any more comfortable going in a store strictly for makeup, but I am kind of biting my lip and hope to do this. The thing is, with all of the "rude" comments in relation to the MAC stores and stands, has anyone here been to this particular one? It's in a pretty "big" area of New York, so I would hope someone here has been to it and can inform me if those associates are any bit nice. I'll be HOPEFULLY, if we get there early enough, be heading there at roughly 5:40ish (Really hoping earlier, depends on traffic).... if time is on my side. I simply want to get a color match, and hope to be out in 10-15 minutes.... is that possible?.... or should I just wait and go to my local Macys?...

I haven't had the best experiences with my MAC here in California but I know other women who have in their area. I suggest you try it. Worse come to worse you take your business elsewhere. But if good things happen you will have a TG friendly place to get information from.

You can also try Ulta and Sephora. The associates in both of those places have always helped me find anything regardless of how many things I ask for.

I've been to that location of MAC a few times and including ones on the left coast. I feel like it's all the same no matter where you go. I'd only recommend going if you need something that's only available at a stand alone store. If if it's something you can get at your local counter, I'd just go to the local counter.

Kind of late, but I appreciate the responses, lol. I kinda went over to the nearby Uniqlo and looked around instead.... and yeah Daly, I was thinking that. Sort of why I was thinking about checking that place out. I kind of walked up there, then kind of turned tail. The talk about how the MAC places are, and the fact some random punk looking guy was standing in the doorway kind of scratched me the wrong way tonight. I WILL go back there another day though.

As for Sephora and Ulta, I don't think they have stores in the walking distance of 6th and 53rd. I know there is a Sephora we sometimes drive by a few blocks away by the CNN building on Broadway, but that is too far.

True enough Starry. I was planning on that. I just been kind of impatient I guess,as well as interested in actually checking out one of these higher end cosmetic places, that's all. s: That, and I was planning to take a walk around 5th ave anyways, which I did. Just lucky enough t know that MAC store was there, so why not?.... Either way, deeeeeeefinitely going back to Uniqlo, to say the least. Such a cool store.

There's a Sephora at 5th and 48th, by the way. Totally within walking distance of 6th and 53rd.

Originally Posted by Yukiko /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Kind of late, but I appreciate the responses, lol. I kinda went over to the nearby Uniqlo and looked around instead.... and yeah Daly, I was thinking that. Sort of why I was thinking about checking that place out. I kind of walked up there, then kind of turned tail. The talk about how the MAC places are, and the fact some random punk looking guy was standing in the doorway kind of scratched me the wrong way tonight. I WILL go back there another day though.

As for Sephora and Ulta, I don't think they have stores in the walking distance of 6th and 53rd. I know there is a Sephora we sometimes drive by a few blocks away by the CNN building on Broadway, but that is too far.

True enough Starry. I was planning on that. I just been kind of impatient I guess,as well as interested in actually checking out one of these higher end cosmetic places, that's all. s: That, and I was planning to take a walk around 5th ave anyways, which I did. Just lucky enough t know that MAC store was there, so why not?.... Either way, deeeeeeefinitely going back to Uniqlo, to say the least. Such a cool store.
I love Uniqlo! I am all about their jean/leggings pants!

5th and 48th? Hmm. Just another block or two. I will have to definitely go and check them out then!.... granted I have enough time. xD.... Thanks! c:

I won't lie, I walked past some leggings at Uniqlo and was thinking of getting some myself. I think they were like 2 for 10 or something. The atmosphere of that place seems so energetic that it MAKES me want to spend there. xD.... Just wish I got to spend more time there. ;^;.... I will have to check out Sephora maybe Saturday morning/afternoon, since I am pretty sure I will have time that day. Friday, I might go back to Uniqlo. So much window shopping I still need to do. xD

Thanks you two!

Go to Sephora they are always helpful there I have been to mac stores in that area and no one seems to want to help me they seem busy sometimes flirting with each other or just on there phones. I use a lot of mac makeup though that I ordered online. I find there stores to stressful. However Sephora the people have always been nice. 


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