Are your nails always long? forums

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My hands and nails are in dog shampoo and water all day long, 5 days a week so I keep them short, otherwise they will peel, crack and break off. I do try to keep at least clear polish such as Sally Hansen Hard as Nails on them so that they don't break off as bad.

Mine tend to break less when it's warmer out, so I keep them longer in the summer. I'm not sure if it's being off school and having time to take care of them or just the weather, like how your skin is drier in the winter, maybe your nails are too, which is why they break more. Right now I'm keeping them relatively short bc they're always breaking... :scared:

Mine get long, but after they get kinda too long I start hitting them against surfaces by mistake so I have to be really careful or else they break. And once one breaks I have to trim the rest so they are all the same lenght. I use a strenghtner calle the Rosie system

I can't stop biting my nails!! I bite them so much that i have bitten off an entire finger nail once..the WHOLE thing. I don't think i belong in this forum..i think i belong in a mans forumm... :bandit:

I used to have long nails but I can't anymore - for one thing - with my lifestyle its just not practical and the other thing is I am not allowed to have long fingernails in my martial arts class because of the danger of scratching someone. At work, I can not type with long nails. I do get manicures because if I don't I know I will resort to biting them. I keep them short and neat and always polished -(the length is just over my fingertips).

It all depends on what you do for a living. Mine grow faster in the summer though.

I took my acrylics off about 2 weeks ago & my nails looked horrible. The part that had the acrylic on it is finally almost grown out... and behind that, they don't look too bad. Its just weird having them so short. (Typing feels pretty cool though without all the clacking of keys) lol Growing them was never a problem... but they were always so thin, and bendable. I have been using Avons length& strength treatment & Sally Hansen Hard as Wraps, and they seem better... If I can keep them long AND strong, i'll leave the acrylics off, but who knows... I guess it's just good to let them breathe a bit. I've had acrylics for years.

You should try rubbing vitamin e oil into your nail beds. This strengthens the nails greatly. My nails have always been long.:icon_smil

Mine just break once they get past the end of my finger tip, that is if they havnt peeled and cracked by then! So to make the most of my stumpy nails I always wear a bright nail polish, really helps
No, I actually hate long nails!!! I don't know why but i don't like the look of them on myself. I always have shorter nails that are painted in bright colors, i don't know it's just my preference!

i loved wearing nails my ghetto, fabulous long, but now i wear my nails very short. i clip them at least once a week because i do facials and brows. i would hate to hurt any of my clients so i don't let them grow out.

My nails used to be very thin, soft and they were always breking. Then I was advised to start using a Calcium gel and my nails have never looked better.

Although I do have less problems with them in the summer.

i bite my nails *cries*

and im trying to stop this ugly habit for more than 5 years but i couldn't :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

a couple of months ago, i stopped for about a whole week (which considered a victory)

they grew but was so weak so i had to clip them all off :

I bite my nails sometimes usually during finals lol. If i take time to take care of my nails then they will grow pretty long but alot of the times i keep them short with clear or pale pink polish.

I have long and hard nails. But I must wear nail polish all the time, because otherwise I eat them. :sleepyhead:


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