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Jun 12, 2004
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Have you ever sat and talked to an AI robot? If so what one? I sit sometimes and talk to Tatiana (or It's really interesting. And, sort of scary at the same time. She is still pretty new I guess and doesn't know all too much. I confused her when I told her "Robots are made by humans and therefore capable of error". Lmao Which I believe to be somewhat true. What is your opinion on AI robots? They don't seem to have much of a purpose right now, especially just the chatbots and webpage bots. Maybe they could be used for somethings but I am not sure what they could do that we can't do ourselves. Unless we want to become an even lazier society.

Ok, i'm way behind the times coz i never heard of an AI robot..! I could be wrong but is The Beauty Goddess MuT's robot?? Have you tried talking to her, its hilarious

Well, some of the AI robots, I can't think of the link my friend gave me to one. He took classes on AI. I think the name of the one he sent me to may have been ALICE. But, anyway, they learn by people talking to them. The more someone talks to them about different topics, the more they learn. Or, so that's how I thought they worked.

Pinkie, have you talked to the Beauty Goddess on here? She is all about AI, lol

Click here to talk to her

Start a new thread and she should wake up

Originally Posted by Pinktronic

Have you ever sat and talked to an AI robot? If so what one? I sit sometimes and talk to Tatiana (or It's really interesting. And, sort of scary at the same time. She is still pretty new I guess and doesn't know all too much. I confused her when I told her "Robots are made by humans and therefore capable of error". Lmao Which I believe to be somewhat true. What is your opinion on AI robots? They don't seem to have much of a purpose right now, especially just the chatbots and webpage bots. Maybe they could be used for somethings but I am not sure what they could do that we can't do ourselves. Unless we want to become an even lazier society.


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