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dear lord! lol. it reminds me of the simpsons episode when they go to japan and all have seizures from watching the flashing anime cartoon. thats some spazzeriffic button hitting, right there.

that game looks pretty fun, though. i love asian video games, espsically dance dance revolution (or DDR to geeks like me.) you have to dance around and hit the right pads on the floor to get a good score and continue to the next round. we used to go play literally everyday. its also a good aerobic workout that doesnt feel like excersize. (i cant ever spell that right.) i got to play DDR when i went to japan. lol.

There's a few DDR addicts at this "family amusement" place near me... my god I have no idea how they do it! LOL This guy has obviously been practicing his button sequencing, huh?? LOL - If only my piano lessons got me so far!! LOL

Yeah wasn't it funny!!! But, did you all see how this guy OWNED this game. I cannot even beleive how good this guy was.....hats off from a fellow gamer

Originally Posted by haloinrverse

dear lord! lol. it reminds me of the simpsons episode when they go to japan and all have seizures from watching the flashing anime cartoon. thats some spazzeriffic button hitting, right there.
that game looks pretty fun, though. i love asian video games, espsically dance dance revolution (or DDR to geeks like me.) you have to dance around and hit the right pads on the floor to get a good score and continue to the next round. we used to go play literally everyday. its also a good aerobic workout that doesnt feel like excersize. (i cant ever spell that right.) i got to play DDR when i went to japan. lol.

Good question!! I spent many-a-roll-O-quarters on Asteriods, Tempest, and Battle Zone, centipede, Joust, etc

Originally Posted by NYAngel98

I wonder how much $$ he spent on that game to get that good?? LOL

LOL me too... when me & my brother were little, my dad would take us to a Nathans nearby that had a HUGE arcade in it... we must've gotten him for a roll-o-quarters each everytime we went LOL

i dont even want to know how many hours of my life ive wasted away playing galaga, black widow, or centipede. sometimes i hit the oregon trail or travel to hylia. lol.

Originally Posted by haloinrverse

i dont even want to know how many hours of my life ive wasted away playing galaga, black widow, or centipede. sometimes i hit the oregon trail or travel to hylia. lol.

ever play Tempest?
Originally Posted by Tony(admin) ever play Tempest? no, but i know of it.
theres one that id love to DL for my computer, but i cant remember the name. i want to say its called something like voltron, but thats not right.
its very simple. each level has a different geometric shape. you move the joystick around the perimiter of the shape, collecting white star like things. if the red X's shooting out from the center meet the outside and crash into you, you die. the shape gets more complex with each level. do you have any idea what im talking about at all? lol.

Well, today is your LUCKY day, Jasmine, cuz I was the king of that game and its name was STARCASTLE!

Click here to play it!


Originally Posted by haloinrverse

no, but i know of it.
theres one that id love to DL for my computer, but i cant remember the name. i want to say its called something like voltron, but thats not right.
its very simple. each level has a different geometric shape. you move the joystick around the perimiter of the shape, collecting white star like things. if the red X's shooting out from the center meet the outside and crash into you, you die. the shape gets more complex with each level. do you have any idea what im talking about at all? lol.

damn thats not it.
ok, i did some searching online, and the game im talking about IS temptest, but i think the version i played is some sort of early version.

the very last pic on this page represents one of the levels im referrring to, but it doesnt have all that extra crap going on. just the shape, the x's and a line that shows where you are.

the site says that it used to be known as vortex, so im thinking that was my version.

OH so it WaS Tempest. I owned most people at this game. LOVED it, it was something about the spinning knob and how fast it would spin.

Originally Posted by haloinrverse

damn thats not it.
ok, i did some searching online, and the game im talking about IS temptest, but i think the version i played is some sort of early version.

the very last pic on this page represents one of the levels im referrring to, but it doesnt have all that extra crap going on. just the shape, the x's and a line that shows where you are.

the site says that it used to be known as vortex, so im thinking that was my version.

god, i love that game. voltron is pretty close to vortex. lol.

when i was little, my grandparents had this computer......i want to say it was a commodore? (youre probably laughing at me right now. :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />) and i used to play crystal cave, johnny jumpup, apple cider spider, and labyrinth. labyrinth would always crap out when it was time to flip the disk. i dont know how the hell i got throught it as a child, because i DLed it for my apple emulator (good times!) and i cant play it at all.

speaking of disk flipping, that reminds me of my friends recent computer purchase. hes really clueless, so he wanted BF to take him shopping for it. beforehand, friend told me that people kep telling him how evil windows is, so he doesnt want that! i about peed myself with laughter. i told him that i pictured him trying to run a system from DOS prompts and putting his fist through the screen everytime it said syntax error. whooooo, im a dork. i swear i still have nightmares that i cant use my computer because it keeps saying syntax error in big green blocky letters.

OMG, that is some funny **** rite there

Originally Posted by haloinrverse

god, i love that game. voltron is pretty close to vortex. lol.
when i was little, my grandparents had this computer......i want to say it was a commodore? (youre probably laughing at me right now. :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20">) and i used to play crystal cave, johnny jumpup, apple cider spider, and labyrinth. labyrinth would always crap out when it was time to flip the disk. i dont know how the hell i got throught it as a child, because i DLed it for my apple emulator (good times!) and i cant play it at all.

speaking of disk flipping, that reminds me of my friends recent computer purchase. hes really clueless, so he wanted BF to take him shopping for it. beforehand, friend told me that people kep telling him how evil windows is, so he doesnt want that! i about peed myself with laughter. i told him that i pictured him trying to run a system from DOS prompts and putting his fist through the screen everytime it said syntax error. whooooo, im a dork. i swear i still have nightmares that i cant use my computer because it keeps saying syntax error in big green blocky letters.


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