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Jun 17, 2004
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BF hacks away at his moustache/beard combo with a regular set of clippers with no guard. he seems to get the job done.

id like to get him a clipper guard. this is the way to go, right? if so, what size guard to i want? 1/8 inch? can i just trim him up with a comb and the clippers? does this in any way require talent?

a moustache/beard combo is called a van dyke, yes? a goatee is just the chin beard? anyone know? also, what do we think of an ironic trucker moustache?(aka as the pro wrestler moustache) its a moustache that continues down as if it were going to be a goatee, without anything in the middle of the chin. i hope that makes sense.

Sally's (or any other beauty supply store) sells the clip set. Usually comes with a few different sizes. If you're going to do the buzzer over comb technique - you just have to make sure you're cutting it all the same length - otherwise, it can makes holes. As far as the "Pro Wrestler" moustache (LOL) Leo did that once, and actually went out like that for the night. I thought he looked like an idiot - but he loved it. LOL (Go Figure) Luckily it was gone the next morning.

with the clipper guard, i can just run the clippers over his face like regular, right? what size do i need?

Originally Posted by Haloinrverse with the clipper guard, i can just run the clippers over his face like regular, right? what size do i need? Yeah... just like hair buzzers. Size really depends on how close... you can try with a 1/4 or 1/8" - see if he likes that
Originally Posted by Haloinrverse ok. thank you.
Welcome! (I'd look at the clips in person - get an idea how short it would be.... I dont know your bf's beard, so its hard to say)

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