« She turned the dial until the safe opened, revealing the diamond. She had stolen jewels before, but none compared with this one. She left a single rose and the scent of her perfume in its place for him to find. In a moment she’d be halfway around the world and he would be in pursuit. The chase began again…» Rose Anonyme, a breathtaking seductress caught in a stolen affair between light and dark, Turkish Rose Absolute sparkles and intrigues beneath notes of spicy Ginger, enwrapped in sultry veil of Velvet Oud, Indonesian Patchouli, mystic Papyrus and Somalian Incense.
• Handcrafted leather cap
• Removable pump allows for splash or spray use
Made in France
Information: Cologne Absolue concentrated at 18% Top notes: Bergamot from Calabria - Italy, Ginger from China, Turkish Rose Essence Heart notes: Turkish Rose Absolue, Incense from Somalia, Velvet Oud Accord Base notes: Patchouli from Indonesia, Papyrus from India, Benjoin from Laos
Sold at Birchbox ($75 30 ml), Atelier Cologne ($195 200 ml)
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