August 2014 No Buy/Low Buy Thread - Hugs, Commiseration, and confessional forums

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I found that when I was able to resist the biggest thing that helped me was "I can get it later". I've read a book about this being a good philosophy when it comes to trying to eat healthy (I can have it later) because you're not telling yourself no, but you know that it will always be there another day. Well, this worked until everything I wanted was limited and I couldn't actually get it later if it was gone. I'll need to work on that for September.

I found that when I was able to resist the biggest thing that helped me was "I can get it later". I've read a book about this being a good philosophy when it comes to trying to eat healthy (I can have it later) because you're not telling yourself no, but you know that it will always be there another day. Well, this worked until everything I wanted was limited and I couldn't actually get it later if it was gone. I'll need to work on that for September.
So true!

In fact, the only reason I caved and bought a makeup item ($8) this month (during my no-buy) is because it was a limited edition fall collection and every time I visited a Walgreens to find it, all the shades I wanted were gone. No kidding. Finally I saw them and had to snap them up. Which brought me to also purchasing some fashion magazines. Eugh!! Why? I was doing so well this month!

I did eh in August.  Super great until almost the very end.  I spent about $130 in the last week or so of August but had been doing great at not buying anything all month before then! I even cancelled a birchbox subscription (OK I still have one so it wasn't that big of a sacrifice, but still!).  I need to come up with a September plan (ooo birthday month) and maybe throw myself into the project pan thread.  I do really like my purchases.  And I realized I made them in the most part to hoard points to use during the holidays/at a later date.  It's a  weird way to justify things and I need to stop thinking I am saving much money if I am spending in order to make something free later.  I feel like this month wasn't a fail, but wasn't really a success either.  I did use some stuff up though! So I get to post on the used it up thread tonight which is really the best part of the month ending because I always feel so proud.  

So true!

In fact, the only reason I caved and bought a makeup item ($8) this month (during my no-buy) is because it was a limited edition fall collection and every time I visited a Walgreens to find it, all the shades I wanted were gone. No kidding. Finally I saw them and had to snap them up. Which brought me to also purchasing some fashion magazines. Eugh!! Why? I was doing so well this month!
But it sounds like it was a long awaited and well deserved purchase! And $8 isn't too bad as long as you come back on track right away! 

Definitely did not do well for August (which was supposed to be a makeup no-buy month) :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I spent around $35 on indies in the middle of the month; and then I caved on the Hello Waffle sale ($36) because she released a collection that I hadn't anticipated :unsure: My internal justifier says that I had $33 in credit card cash rewards and a $35 ebates cash back to more or less cancel out the purchases, but still -_- /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Anyways... I think September is going to be a low-buy for me.


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