Baby shower came just in time for Florida sextuplets forums

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May 19, 2006
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Sept. 2, 2007, 8:42AM

Associated Press

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — A Florida couple who used fertility drugs after their daughter asked for a sibling are the new parents of sextuplets.

The five boys and one girl were born Saturday night to Karoline Byler, 29, of Wesley Chapel.

"Mom and the six babies are doing well," Bayfront Medical Center spokeswoman Nancy Waite said.

Ben Byler, the father, previously said he hoped the babies would reach 30 weeks in the pregnancy to assure full development of vital organs. The babies were carried 29 weeks and four days.

"We saw them all and it's quite an experience," grandfather Jack Kiewra said. "I'm very pleased everything went well. We have six new, healthy grandbabies and my daughter is fine."

The babies were transported from Bayfront to All Children's Hospital shortly after their birth. No names have been officially released.

The Bylers also have a 4-year-old daughter, Zoe.

The expecting parents were showered last week with clothing, diapers, baby wipes and gift cards. They also received a year's supply of ready-made meals and baby formula, six months of in-home wellness care and a $7,000 generator for backup electric power in this hurricane-prone state.

Baby shower came just in time for Florida sextuplets | - Houston Chronicle

That is surely a blessing. Glad that all the babies are properly developed


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