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Feb 4, 2013
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A Beautiful Skin Remedy with Oatmeal:

One way to get beautiful skin is by applying oatmeal onto your face. Oatmeal is a very great ingredient that helps us a lot through our inside as well as our outside. Pure oatmeal is 100% natural with organic ingredients which allows our skin to get beautiful, healthy, and a great complexion.

Directions on how to prepare, how to apply, and when to apply:

You can apply oatmeal either in the morning or at night. It is more recommendable at night for fast and better results. First, pour some oatmeal onto a small cup. Second, pour some water onto it and let it absorbe for a while. Third, make sure to clean your face. If necessary wash it in order to remove make-up, dead skin cells, dirt, and germs/bacteria. Fourth, squeeze the oatmeal and with that same water that comes off from it apply that right onto your whole entire face and neck. Fifth, begin to apply the rest of the oatmeal left all over your face. Leave it on for 15-30 minutes. Lastly, wash your face with warm water and gently dry it with a soft towel.

I heard you can grind oatmeal (with a blender or something of the sort) and put it in your bath, which I heard is good for dry skin and especially eczema. They use it for babies too, just in smaller amounts. After you take a bath, you have to wipe it out of the bath tub, which is annoying, but you shouldn't have to do it too often.

3/4 cup of oatmeal works.

Originally Posted by GloriaStephanie /img/forum/go_quote.gif

A Beautiful Skin Remedy with Oatmeal:

One way to get beautiful skin is by applying oatmeal onto your face. Oatmeal is a very great ingredient that helps us a lot through our inside as well as our outside. Pure oatmeal is 100% natural with organic ingredients which allows our skin to get beautiful, healthy, and a great complexion.

Directions on how to prepare, how to apply, and when to apply:

You can apply oatmeal either in the morning or at night. It is more recommendable at night for fast and better results. First, pour some oatmeal onto a small cup. Second, pour some water onto it and let it absorbe for a while. Third, make sure to clean your face. If necessary wash it in order to remove make-up, dead skin cells, dirt, and germs/bacteria. Fourth, squeeze the oatmeal and with that same water that comes off from it apply that right onto your whole entire face and neck. Fifth, begin to apply the rest of the oatmeal left all over your face. Leave it on for 15-30 minutes. Lastly, wash your face with warm water and gently dry it with a soft towel.
These are very nice and useful tips I would love to try but please tell me which type of skin can use these tips.

I think these 7 tips will help you to looks healthy and beautiful naturally:-

  • Avoid all unhealthy foods that have been processed or fried, as well as those with a high fat content. Say no to potato chips, pizzas, greasy hamburgers and other similar bad food.
  • Start consuming vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for your skin’s health. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, fish and proteins in your regular diet.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and eliminate colas and other sugar-sweetened carbonated beverages, as well as coffee and alcohol.
  • Water will keep your skin hydrated and flush toxins out of your body.
  • To appear fresh and look beautiful makeup-less, make sure to sleep at least 8 hours a night.
  • Insufficient night rest will make your skin seem dull, tired and older-looking.
  • Sun protection- When outside protect your skin with a sunscreen. Make sure you apply the sun sunscreen at least 15 min before you step out into the sun.
  • Do Exercise regularly to maintain your fitness.
  • Brush your teeth and keep good dental hygiene to have a bright smile.
This is great post. I also believe that if we drink lots of water then there is high possibility having healthy skin.

If you think that no face pack can make the skin brighten then you are absolutely wrong. I have tried a home-based paste which surely worked. Just follow these simple ways and the skin will appearance more less heavy and spot free.

Things required to create a paste are:

  • Cucumber
  • Rosewater
  • Glycerine
Initially take out the cucumber juice by using grinder. Now mix rosewater and glycerine in equivalent amounts to the cucumber juice. Ensure that the paste should neither be thin nor too heavy. Now put on it over your face at nightime earlier going to sleep.

Each morning, wash your face with water that is fresh and perfectly dry. After few days you will see wonderful variation in the skin overall tone of the skin and even the black acnes locations will reduce.

Hey! Thank you so much for these tips!

I feel really great when people share a natural or herbal beauty tip that doesn’t involve use of any chemicals.


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