Before and After a Nose Job forums

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Jan 29, 2008
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Before and After a Nose Job

Plastic surgery really helps many people to become more beautiful and to gain confidence in themselves.

In this case, we are talking about ‘normal’ people and not those surgery obsessed maniacs who constantly try to change their appearance making operations after the operations.

Click the Source link (below) to see the Pics!


Some of the noses just didn't suit their faces afterwards. Having seen the procedure on a hospital program - there is no way I would let a doctor near my nose. I like my skin to stay on my face not peeled back like a banana!

I voted yes, since i have had a nose job as some of you might recal.

I know the procedure is grusome and they peel your skin back, but i dont really mind for me it was the one thing about me i wanted to change. And yes i could of lived with out the nose job, but i have been much happier since than. I have not only felt more confident but more comfortable with not having my glasses cover my face.

I think nose jobs are an acceptable form of surgery. More people are likely to think it is ok than like a boob job - like tattoos, cosmetic surgery isn't so unusual and unaccepted now, then like 10/20 years ago.

If I hated my nose I would consider it.

I agree, if I hated my nose I would think absolutely nothing of it.

I've had laser eye surgery, and I suppose that could be considered 'plastic' surgery... I think if you are deeply unhappy with something, and can afford to change it, and are aware of the risks, then really, it's a very personal choice and not to be judged or criticised. Addiction to plastic surgery is another thing again of course

I'm actually planning on getting a nose job, saving up is hard when you're a student though ): I have the doctor I want picked out and everything, but I'm kind of afraid of plastic surgery financing plans so I'd want to try to pay in full as best I can. I'm also planning on getting my teeth capped and that's about as far as I see myself being altered in the reasonable future.

I plan on being extremely open about getting my nose done. I don't see why people try to pretend they had a deviated septum or whatever other excuse they can thing of. It's your body, you should be able to do what you want to it and not feel ashamed.

I've wanted a nose job since I was little. lol. I used to tell my dad that as soon as I turned 18 I was going to get it done. I do have a deviated septum, but that's not why I want it done.

I don't think I'll ever actually go through with it, though. I've seen it done on tv before, and I'm still freaked out about it. It's pretty gruesome.

Originally Posted by emily_3383 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I wouldnt get a nose job because I like my nose but liposuction might be nice. lol Same here.... I like my big nose! lol and hate my stomach!!
I would so get a nose job, I hate my nose. I'd get a few other things done too. Botox for sure. I'm getting old

yeah the pics i know. when i get a chance i will download the pics and fix the post. Meanwhile i did put a link in there so look at that.

I want one really bad, but I'll never be able to afford it. That's the only thing I would get done. I'm too scared for anything else, but I hate my nose so much I would totally do it if I had the $$.

Originally Posted by pinksugar /img/forum/go_quote.gif I agree, if I hated my nose I would think absolutely nothing of it.
I've had laser eye surgery, and I suppose that could be considered 'plastic' surgery... I think if you are deeply unhappy with something, and can afford to change it, and are aware of the risks, then really, it's a very personal choice and not to be judged or criticised. Addiction to plastic surgery is another thing again of course

I'm planning on get laser eye surgery. Did you get LASIK?
I'm all for cosmetic surgery as long as it's tastefully done and fits that person (as opposed to trying to look like a celebrity instead of simply refining your own features).

I've had my breasts done after I breastfed 4 kids and hope to do my stomach to remove the old stretch marks.

I don't have issue with my nose but if I did, I'd look into fixing what I see as a flaw.

Maybe when it starts to show that growth (since the nose continues to grow in life) and it doesn't look like me anymore.

I for SURE will fill my nasal labial folds because it just makes me look dour and mad all the time and makeup just sits in it like a freeloader at a bbq.

I don't see anything wrong with Plastic Surgery. Some 'normal' women have to be careful because they may be fixing flaws BUT what they see as a flaw may not really be a flaw. You know how women are.. nothing on them is beautiful and they have to fix ALL of it


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