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Nov 22, 2007
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Well im a natural brunette and ive been dying my hair blond since last year. Its gotten pretty light..but still has a yellowish tint. I want to get rid of it and basically just get an almost white color. Heres an example

I don't really want to bleach my hair..but I want a very light color..So what brand you guys recommend for dyeing my hair?

Originally Posted by fenderxbunni /img/forum/go_quote.gif Well im a natural brunette and ive been dying my hair blond since last year. Its gotten pretty light..but still has a yellowish tint. I want to get rid of it and basically just get an almost white color. Heres an example

I don't really want to bleach my hair..but I want a very light color..So what brand you guys recommend for dyeing my hair?

In order to get rid of the yellow tone you have to counterreact it. Which basically means you have to use toner that has a blue/violet base. For toners I would recommend going to a salon. Toners arent that expensive and they have the best one for your hair and they will know which one to use. When someone wants to get rid of the yellow I normally use 9N which has a brown+blue/violet base and that usually does the job. Toners should be left on the hair for at least 7 minutes but no longer than 10 minutes since your hair is so light.

I love your hair the way it is!

you will most likely need to bleach than tone to get your hair that light.

I know it is not what you want to hear but it is the reality of the situation. i would reomend going to a salon and seing what they say.


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