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Jun 17, 2004
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hi girls (and tony, not that you probably want to read this!)

sorry if this is TMI, but i shave my entire bikini area, and i was wondering if there is anything that can be done about the unpleasant prickly/itchy growing back phase that occurs the day after until a few days later.

i do tendskin and sometimes unscented roll on deodorant so i dont have a problem with ingrowns, and i dont have a prob with razor burn. i was wondering if you know of anything to help with the ouchy feeling of the hairs growing back while they still have a poky blunt end. i dont know how to say that any better. lol. i tried using a body powder, but that doesnt help.

I have the same problem and would love to find out the answer. I don't actually shave as much sometimes because of the growing back phase.

I wish I knew something to help this along, because I too have the same problem after shaving my bikini area.

Originally Posted by haloinrverse hi girls (and tony, not that you probably want to read this!)
sorry if this is TMI, but i shave my entire bikini area, and i was wondering if there is anything that can be done about the unpleasant prickly/itchy growing back phase that occurs the day after until a few days later.

i do tendskin and sometimes unscented roll on deodorant so i dont have a problem with ingrowns, and i dont have a prob with razor burn. i was wondering if you know of anything to help with the ouchy feeling of the hairs growing back while they still have a poky blunt end. i dont know how to say that any better. lol. i tried using a body powder, but that doesnt help.

Is it itchy or ouchy halo? Coz i get kinda itchy & i'd be dying to scratch myself.. LMAO thinking about it now. I never do scratch but there's some days when i'm at work & i'm so dam itchy. Don't know what can calm it down though

the itch is maddening! its much better today, but this is exactly why i rarely shave anymore.


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