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As long as you extract the blackheads with an extraction tool (rather than your fingers), it shouldn't damage your skin. Just make sure to be very gentle and open your pores beforehand. I usually use oil cleansing first so that my pores are very soft, but steaming your face should work too. Make sure to disinfect the extractor and use a toner afterwards to close your pores.

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I spent a lot of time squeezing out blackheads from my nose when I was young (around 16 years old). Met a woman that told me that this was a very bad tactic...and I could tell from her nose that she was right. :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

So all I can do is to give you the advice that you should try to fix the problem in other ways. I guess I just used the same acne treatment with a great cleanser and oil.

You might wanna try to buy blackhead extractor. I added a picture under. Problem is that removing them hurts but try to go gentle and you will do the job with success.

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I've had great luck with the whole Biore blackhead product line. Its important before doing anything with blackheads to steam your area that's containing the blackheads. Use a clothe steamer, a room humidifier, a cup of tea. anything with steam and just hold your face around the steam for a couple minutes, then use an extractor tool (found online) or your clean fingers to oull those suckers out. then use the Biore CHarcoal blackhead ceanser. then pat dry. steam and put on the Biore blackhead strips. Hope you get rid of those pesky blackheads! -Han

I have heard a good reviews about pore & blackhead extracting mask from citrusclear or maybe you can buy it elsewhere as well, just that my friend uses that and she says it is really great!

Tomatoes are known for natural antiseptic properties that they help to dry up blackheads. Take a small tomato, peel it and mash, then apply this over the blackheads before going to bed. Leave overnight and then wash your face with clean and cold water in the morning.

Lemon also effectively treating blackheads. Squeeze few drops of lemon juice in a bowl, add salt and stir the mixture well. Wash your face with warm water and apply the mixture on the blackheads. Leave for some 20 minutes and wash your face again with warm water.

I fully agree with the previous poster. A tomato toner like that will also greatly help shrink large pores.

You can also make your own pore strips from gelatin and milk. They're cheaper than Biore strips and I find they work just as well.

  • steam 
  • toothpaste
  • sugar
  • ice 
Steam your face till your pores open up. 
Mix the toothpaste with sugar properly.
Apply on your nose till it gets dry.
When it gets dry wash your face with cold water.
And finally apply the ice on your face and nose so that the pores close.````
Can anyone tell me the natural way to remove the black heads? and How does black heads occur?

What are the reasons behind the black heads?

If anybody knows please share it with me.


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