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She started deleting all the derogatory comments on her page after a few days. It looks a lot better now than it did, though there is still some negativity from time to time. Our earlier commentary about her page was back when the drama was just starting, before BV started trying to do damage control. 

You're welcome to be angry about whatever you'd like to be angry about, whether it be BlueVelveteen or why grass is green instead of purple, it's totally up to you.

I think at this point people are thinking they're toppling a giant heirarchy of a company like Birchbox, when BV is a short-staffed start up. The owner of BV admitted she made a mistake and was essentially crucified for it. There was backlash and there was a LOT of it from both bloggers and regular subscribers. Where did she say she saw nothing wrong with giving out the padded boxes?

There are two sides to every story and there will always be sympathizers along with agressors. I do completely agree that people felt misled based on the unboxings and reviews they saw, and I also agree that BV could have handled themselves better. I also think that sometimes we forget that we're talking to a human when we shoot off a CS e-mail or post on a FB page. As far as BV not responding goes, considering how much attention the box initially got then the mass influx of cancellation e-mails and I'm sure there's some not-so-nice ones in there, she probably got backlogged.

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I don't agree with the people being horrible on Facebook, if that is the case. I haven't seen it. If they were just complaints, isn't that okay? I understand that it is new, but my issue is that she put on her site that she saw nothing wrong with giving the bloggers the better boxes. So, people watching/reading those reviews thought they were getting those items which is why they subscribed. This doesn't seem right to me. Some of you are insinuating that the box is only $10.00 , so people shouldn't complain. Well, Ipsy and Birchbox are $10 and I get deluxe samples. In the Blue Velveteen box I received one time only sample packets. The kind of samples you get for free at Ulta. So, am I an impatiant , ungrateful b? Are you all bloggers. I reached out to her too and did not receive a response. Is it possible that you guys did because you are bloggers? And again, I want to say that when we see your unboxings and reviews, that is what gets us ordering. Can you understand the problem there?
I saw people say some really terrible things on the BV page. My point is it's a $10 box. If it's that disappointing stop subscribing. Berating someone isn't going to get you what you want. (This is just general, I understand that you probably aren't one of the people who berated her) This isn't Birchbox, this is a new company run by one person who doesn't have the financial backing or the manpower ipsy and birchbox has. I am not a blogger, I didn't even buy one of these boxes at all. I've seen photos of blogger boxes and just the regular boxes. I was just momentarily irritated by mean, self entitled people on the internet.

I'm sorry you were disappointed. I hope you get more of what you're looking for next time if you choose to stay subscribed. Like I said before, I hope she can get her shit together. If not, she won't be in business for very long.

Well, I never berated her. I get that this isn't Birchbox, I was just adressing those in the thread that were saying it was only a ten dollar box. After I received my box, I visited her site and Isaw the message. I am guessing she took this down. I emailed her about it, telling her that I felt it wasn't right. Perhaps she took it down then, or after others complained. I never stated that I felt I was taking down a conglomeration lol. However, I do feel people should know they aren't getting the same as they see the bloggers getting, even if it is "only" ten dollars. I did cancel, but I now feel bad for the lady too. I am not a b, I am just someone who wants to at least get their money's worth, and I think that is reasonable. Maybe if I hadn't seen the,"I see nothing wrong with that" comment I wouldn't have cancelled. All of your boxes looked fabulous, and I had thought it had great potential when I ordered. I don't understand why people would be belligerent on her FB page, that is unecessary. However, I do feel they have the right to express concerns about a product they have purchased. If the lady has good intentions about her new business, I hope she doesn't let the results of her mistake deter her. Maybe she'll learn from it. Maybe I'll give the box another chance. All I want though is the thing to be worth at least the 10 dollars I pay.

Has anyone heard anything about the October box?  I subbed September 16th (after September had sold out).  I emailed and messaged her on facebook, but I haven't heard anything back yet.  She responded to a comment from someone saying she would respond to everyone by the end of the day today.   I guess I'm just overly concerned after all the drama from the first box and the mass cancellations.  

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I am so completely dissatisfied with their customer service right now. I have been patient and tried to be understanding but the silence is too much. A customer on the Facebook page said that Blue Velveteen would be shipping on October 20th as per an email they received. Well, that date has come and gone, no shipping updates. No Facebook updates or email updates. I tried emailing the s.smith email which I was told to email in September by whoever runs their Facebook page and it bounced back saying the inbox is full. So, I emailed the info email address expressing my concerns and hope to hear back but honestly, I'm not holding my breath.

This is so sad because I really hoped they could learn after September's fiasco. I was looking forward to a better experience for October. Personally, I will not be staying with this company until they issue an apology and get their stuff together. Bad, bad experience.

@@KMED1, knowing that the company is owned by a single person, and that many people have wanted to cancel, it will take time for her to do. If you have Pay Pal you can just cancel your subscription with Blue Velteen on there, there are many blog posts on how to do so. For what ever your reason is for canceling, good luck and hopefully you can soon.

I gotta say, I'm kinda embarrased that I endorsed, defended and advertised this box. She managed to completely prove me wrong. She went completely silent on October 9th and is now deleting all forms of social media.

I don't think an October box is coming. I'd file a dispute and try to get refunded at this point.

I was going to do the October box until we received the email that we would have to sign up again.  I even tried to sign back up, but realized the discount code was expired by then.  I decided at that point I should cut my losses.  Glad I did.  I really wanted to see her succeed, but between the crazy communications, the botched payment system and the discontinued products, I don't know how she could.   :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I signed back up after that email about the payment system not being set up correctly. Yeahhhh not the smartest idea >_>

I signed back up after that email about the payment system not being set up correctly. Yeahhhh not the smartest idea >_>
I feel for ya.  I used your code to sign up originally -- was really hoping things would get ironed out.  

At least it was a $10 box and not a $50 box.  I hope you get some resolution with your CC company.

I see now that she completely deleted the company's facebook page. Rather than making an announcement she just deletes it and not even so much as a word to her customers.  Atleast let people know what happened.   

I feel for ya.  I used your code to sign up originally -- was really hoping things would get ironed out.  

At least it was a $10 box and not a $50 box.  I hope you get some resolution with your CC company.
I used a debit card (totally not a recommended practice), and my bank charges 25$ to deal with any sort of fraud/chargeback/refund matters. It's a tiny local bank. I'm pretty thrilled I'm only out the 8$, at least. I'm sorry about your experience, I too hoped she would work it out. Oof.

I see now that she completely deleted the company's facebook page. Rather than making an announcement she just deletes it and not even so much as a word to her customers.  Atleast let people know what happened.   
Oh wow. I was thinking maybe she's just really overwhelmed and she's not able to respond to everyone, but with the facebook page gone, no response to emails and no pictures on her IG account... This is just maddening 

She's starting to reply to individual e-mails and contacts:

"I have decided that I no longer want to be involved in the sub box industry and will be closing. Aside from that, I have been experiencing health issues as well and apologize for the lack of communication.

I have an open investigation regarding "trolling" and cyber bullying, and I was advised to remove my social media handles due to the harassment and slander that was being posted over the past two months. I am currently working with my website provider to find the best way to close the site without limiting the ability to refund. A formal letter will be sent this week once we have a final conclusion. This will also include information and a timeline regarding refunds due for October.

Thank you,"

Honestly, I can see why she'd want to bow out of the subscription box game. The beauty subscription boxes are an especially cutthroat industry full of people you just can't consistenty please without the right contacts and products. She got tons of comments and not-so-pleasant e-mails over the last several weeks, ever since that scandal first broke. It would take someone with incredibly patience, willpower, and mental stability to combat all of that and come out ahead of it, too. Since BV has always been run by one or two people, I imagine the pressure just got to them.

However, I don't agree with the way she's chosen to go about it. Cutting off all contact on all forms of social media and basically ignoring your customers is not good business practice. It's the quickest way to alienate the ones who were rooting for you and willing to sympathize and be patient. What she should have done is make a small post informing people of the closure and impending refunds. It could be simple, with one or two lines, especially before the "investigation" into harrassment. It seems like anything past October 9th when she ceased contact would be encouraging it.

I dunno, just my opinion.
I agree that she was probably just overwhelmed, not purposely doing anything shady.

She should have posted the above on her FB for a few days, so people knew why she was deleting everything. 

I feel kind of mean for saying this, but it's her own damn fault she linked her personal self to her business self. Once you do that you don't get to claim you are being cyberbullied and shut down business related accounts. I have zero business acumen and I realize this.


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