Boyfriend Make-up forums

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Originally Posted by Mylala88 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I like to wear what makes me look good. Period. While I do tend not to wear as much lip products I don't go out of my way not to wear certain makeup because that would be too much like hiding a part of myself!
My ex-boyfriend saw me w/red lipstick once and not only started getting really bothered by it he kept telling me to take it off because it looked like a "joke". You'd think I plastered my entire face w/clown makeup by the way he was acting. Needless to say he's an "ex" for a reason.

Shameless red lips pic xp

I don't see a "joke" anywhere in that picture. I think you're gorgeous and that color really suits you. Glad he's an ex, he sounds like a joke for a boyfriend.
Personally, I wear whatever kind of makeup I want. If the guy has a preference (prefers lipgloss to lipstick, likes certain colors on me more than others, etc) then yeah, I would wear a bit more of what he likes, but if he wants me to wear no makeup at all, or a full face of makeup at all times, then he's history. For the most part, I wear my makeup for ME, not anyone else.

what a jerk. That lipstick looked hot. Fair enough if he didn't like getting lipstick on him when he kissed you, but looks wise, there is nothing that makes you look like a joke!

Aw you guys are sweet! *blushes*

I definitely understand if a guy does not want to be kissing anyone w/uber crazy sticky lips and foundation that smears onto his shirt cuz I won't load it on if I'm planning on spending quality time with my guy. But it's a definite turn off to me when he tries to curtail what I want to wear so long as I don't look like absolute crap.

somehow i originally though this thread was about putting makeup on your boyfriend

Originally Posted by Darla /img/forum/go_quote.gif somehow i originally though this thread was about putting makeup on your boyfriend hahaha!! Me too! Or about a new line of makeup for men. Duh
My makeup application is way too light for my bf to complain. Although he tells I dont need make up to be sweet. Whether I need it or not makeup is my hobby. lol

Originally Posted by BebeQueen /img/forum/go_quote.gif Reply to mylala88

babygirl you look real good in that red gloss!!! You rockin dem lips!

but yeh I understand why your ex is your ''ex'' in that case, but in 1 way it is understandable because most boys like to kiss ''unmasked'' lips, know what I mean? Like one time I wore this heavy lip gloss(clear) and when I kissed him he was like ''what's that sticky stuff'', you know what I mean It is never nice for anyone to be kissing sticky coloured lips, chapstick will do just fine. But anyways what I am trying to say, your boo should still love you even with the make up, because that is what you like to do!!

Anyways thats y I opened this thread, to hear what yall gotta say. As I said, as of what I have heard from all my guy friends is that they hate heavy make up.

Keep the comments coming I wanna know!!!

you are getting funnier and funnier.
Ha Monet! Sounds like a conversation between me and my husband. Nobody on tv has no makeup.

Originally Posted by Adrienne /img/forum/go_quote.gif Ha Monet! Sounds like a conversation between me and my husband. Nobody on tv has no makeup. Lol! On a slight tangent I always thought it was really funny when ppl went to "sleep" on tv w/all that make up on. Especially when they had on loads of dramatic eye makeup.


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