Canadian Makeup Artist-First Forum I have joined! forums

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Feb 18, 2013
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Hi Everyone! So I thought I would join my first ever forum! And share some information with you beautiful people out there:)

I am a stay at home Mom of 2 beautiful daughters and a wife and I have been doing makeup for over 15 years now and it is my passion! So much so that I started my own youtube channel called ProsRealLife to discuss all the things in life I am passionate about in the hopes of helping some people out there.

I love helping people feel great about themselves. I want to help you realize your true beauty by sharing some helpful tips to help you feel more confident. Too many of us are way to hard on ourselves. I truly believe that everyone is beautiful in their own way...and I wish everyone could be proud of what makes you different from the next person.

So hopefully I can learn some things through this forum and I can help some people along the way. It is so rewarding for me if I can help someone out there feel more confident:)

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