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Apr 12, 2006
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I was upset today.. and needed somebody to talk to .. so i called my mom dad talked to me for a sec and in the middle of me talking.. he just handed the phone to mom.. who yelled I JUST WANT TO SIT DOWN.. im sick of people calling me and coming ot my door. i was like well sit down.. ( meaning sit down and talk to me..) she screamed BYE!

i sat back and thought for a sec.. what a *****.. she never talks to me or listens for that matter when i need her.. so i dialed *67 and called her when she picked up i hung up.. i did this about 10 time i swear.. it made me lough! thats what she gets..

Wow...seems like you have alot of issues with your Mom and Dad. Doesn't seem like a healthy relationship, maybe you need a break from all the drama.

I think I agree... your mum sounds like she needs a break but that wasnt very nice of her to hang up on you...

yeah right.. my mom is selfish.. she point every wrong about everyone else. but doesnt throw the finger at her self..My car got hit.. and my dad fixed it and cost 130 bucks to fix it my mom THREW A FIT! said all i do is take her money!! i got the check today for hte car accendt she asked where the check i said i have.. she said bring it over. i said. mom i just got home from work.. im in my p.j's iw ill bring it tomorrow.. WHEN tmoorrw she asks.. i said i dunno in the evening i guess. then i asked .. did you tell the trailer guy that we didnt want the trailer. SHE WENT OFF.. and hung up onj me.. so i called back and told her.. for someone that wants something she is selfish.. and to come get the check herself. and hung up.. me and my mom have always been at eachotehrs throat!im always in the wrong in her eyes

Hey, just tell her you're going to major in English. That will surely dispel any conflicting situations you may have between each other from now until the day you die.

Originally Posted by Jdpaul88 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Hey, just tell her you're going to major in English. That will surely dispel any conflicting situations you may have between each other from now until the day you die. What?
Thats funny sounds like something I would do

Originally Posted by chloemisspretty /img/forum/go_quote.gif What?
Thats funny sounds like something I would do

Really? I was merely joking.
haha...well sounds like ( sorry to say ) she may have derserved that one. I'm sorry you have to deal with that!

Originally Posted by Jdpaul88 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Hey, just tell her you're going to major in English. That will surely dispel any conflicting situations you may have between each other from now until the day you die. Jeez, you're mean!

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