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Sep 21, 2012
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This is a review of a new nail polish from a new indie company, as well as a review on the company owner's behavior involving my purchase.  Others may have a different experience, but I wanted to get the word out about mine.  This post is kind of long because it is a dual review.

Last week in the enablers-shopping thread, a new indie nail polish company was posted, called Chloe and Bella, based out of Florida.  

They were having a 50% flash sale for their opening online.  (A valued regular member posted about the new company/sale deal, so I do know the promotion posted in that thread wasn't company sponsored) 

I decided to order one nail polish to try them out for quality of service and product.  It was shipped fast, and received in good condition.  However, I was not happy with what I received, compared to what they advertised. 

The color I picked was called "Black Opal", and was listed as a medium coverage in 1-coat, full coverage in 3-coats... with flashes of blue, black, copper, red, purple (like an opal, duh, lol).  The original swatch photos provided online had no indication it was shown over a dark colored base.  (While all the other polishes they sell were labeled as such when they were layered)

In all the stock photos there is very heavy color flashing, from all angles, on both nail swatches and bottle photos (even the straight on viewing angle).  So I expected to get a slightly sheer blackened base nail polish, that builds up fully opaque as shown in approx 3-coats, with full color flashing that changes with movement in the light. 

What I received was an almost clear, very sheer purple polish with a slight blackened base to it.  It had very minimal color flashing only along the edges of the bottle (and only after multiple movements under the made me work for it), and mostly stayed a static deep shimmer purple color.  

I then swatched different layers of the polish on a white background.  Both over a black base and by itself.  The polish I received was super sheer, like you get with french manicure type pale colors (only a dirty purple sparkle sheer)... and had absolutely no color flashing on any swatch, other than purple.  I did a 1-coat swatch and a 3-coat swatch over black bases.  Also, a 1-coat, 3-coat, and 5-coat swatch of the polish alone.  At no point even after 5 layers it is showing a full coverage opaque finish.  It is still only a sheer over coat finish, and again, only flashes purple.  

I posted my review in two different posts in the enablers thread with my pictures showing it, and stating I sent an email message to the company and would post any updates they provide (or not) here on makeup talk because other ladies were waiting to hear how the company is etc.  

This is where the creep factor comes in.  

I woke up today to a private message from the owner of the company, Barbara, who was registered as an individual regular member-under her company name.  She only registered a couple days ago, and her profile only showed 2 posts made--but I couldn't see them.  

She was not rude per say, but it was creepy how she found me online here at makeup talk to private message me, instead of emailing my email she had on file for my order.

She must have been stalking any mention of her company on here, and matched up order information to key words/names on makeup talk.. I don't see how she could have picked me out on makeup talk to message me about customer service, and known that she didn't end up receiving my email I mentioned and known my order information if this wasn't the case. Seeing as she doesn't have my personal info available on makeup talk. 

I private messaged Zadidoll here on makeup talk because I felt she crossed the line, and remembered something about business can't come here posting like that etc.  

I was informed she was in the wrong, had been warned before already for her public posts on makeup talk (as chloeandbella), and those postings were removed.  I was recommended to report her private message so they could take care of business.  

(I did not respond to her private message)

This is when I noticed in my emails that my email to their company email address was kicked back for being too large, although the CC'd copy I sent to myself went to my inbox just fine.  I tried sending it again, same thing.  So I sent the email without the pictures, and the pictures along in a second email.  She received the regular email, but the pictures were kick backed again.  I then emailed her again, alerting her that her mail system will not accept picture files to be received.  At this point she knows I am aware of her private message to me on makeup talk, and that I am aware she's been reading my posts I originally posted in the enablers thread--so I know she's seen my pictures already.

Here is where it gets worse...

The owner private messaged me at 8-ish am this morning, was reported etc by mid day and ultimately banned for multiple offenses.  

Then all of a sudden, my second quick post about them in the enablers thread, a member made a comment about my post.  It has since been removed, but basically it stated that they see no difference in my pictures to what they show online at the company (false), that it is user error why I don't have color flash showing (false), that she has a bottle of the same polish and hers is fully opaque in 3 coats... then goes on to talk about I should look at it under an LED light, because I'm probably using a florescent light source.. Then she posts the website link and announces it looks like they're updating the photos to show it was painted over a dark base color, so they must be doing right...  The entire post is pro company, user is wrong... even when my pictures clearly show what I talk about.  

I looked up the member profile, and it was conveniently only created this morning, a couple hours after the owner got banned here.  They only made one post online, in response to my post about the company... 

Again I feel it is fishy, and alert our beloved Zadidoll, she looks it up, and responds that it is from a google proxy and the IP is being hidden, and again says to report the post.  

It was a pretty blatant offense of the owner posing as another fake member once she got in trouble.  Who else is going to sign up all a sudden, make one comment like that, and nothing else, lol, especially with a hidden IP address.  

I asked Zadidoll how I can go about sharing my experience without breaking the rules, and so now I'm doing that.  I was going to give until Monday to hear a response back from the owner of Chloe and Bella before saying anything against them like this.  But as luck would have it, she responded just a bit ago.

And now I am 100% positive the owner was the fake poster here earlier, based on her email back to me.  

She sent me a rather long email back, spending the entire time making excuses for her company being in the right, and again it must be me!

*She claims these bottles of Black Opal all came from the first and only batch so far, the same as her bottle shown online.  

*She goes on a diatribe about how I should look at it under LED light!  That florescent lighting does not show color flash well.  

(I took my photos under an LED desk lamp.  I've also viewed it under natural light, florescent, and incandescent.  It is the SAME under all lights.

*She claims she upgraded my shipping on my original order, for being a new customer, from priority shipping to first class.  I still paid for shipping myself, I didn't ask for an upgraded shipping speed, nor was it advertised.. so I find this a moot point.  She's trying to get brownie points for something that was not the issue.  

*She then mentions the update on labeling the swatch photo online today.  (and she changed the description of the polish online to have a section about view it under LED lights, anything but florescent etc etc)

Every single thing she responded with was the exact same info and points etc from the mystery fake poster earlier today! (except the added shipping thing)  Now how convenient is that!?!  *rolls eyes*

I feel it is bad judgement and untrustworthy of a business owner to get multiple warnings about her actions here, and then continue to do so, getting banned.  Then not stopping there, but creating other fake aliases, clearly listed as against the rules here, and harassing me as a customer sharing their experience so far.  

I do not appreciate her tone in her email she responded with either.  She talks down to me like I do not understand how polish works, how light reflects, how to see color flashing, etc etc.. I also made her aware originally that the trinket box she sent the polish in arrived with a horrid smell, like cigarettes and had sharp dangerous flaws on the clasp...but that I was not blaming her or her company for that fault--it is clearly just cheap mass factory junk crap..but customers don't want to receive items that smell that toxic/strongly or potentially dangerous, and gave a nice/cheaper pretty option to try in the future if interested.  She talks down to me in her response that she doesn't smoke, blah blah, and smoking around polish is quite dangerous.. Uuuhhh, duh!  I said it smelled like cigarettes, not that she smoked around them.  There are other toxic smells that can smell like cigarettes, lol.  ((anyways, I wasn't seeking anything about this issue, I told her I only wanted to make her aware of it))

She doesn't want to send me a new bottle of polish, claiming they are same batch so it'll be the same.  Which doesn't say much for her company, since her bottle is a thousand times better looking and matches the description, unlike my bottle.  How can they all be the same if that is the case!?  She did offer a refund or different color though, so I will be asking for a refund.  I don't want any more business with her.  

I don't know how the experience will be for others, but she completely creeped me out today, and turned me off to her company.  If I cannot trust a business owner to follow rules, especially when warned, to provide accurate products that match their descriptions, and only receive a bunch of nice-but snotty remarks and excuses back for customer service.. it is not a company I would recommend doing business with.  There is no telling how far she'd go to post private information and order info anywhere online.  At least (for now) she only takes payment via Paypal, so she doesn't have my payment info.  You might have better luck with her company, but I'd strongly caution doing business with her.  The way she responds for customer service and how she sneaks around here on makeup talk reminds me too much of how Richard did from Bondi nail polish (if you're familiar with that)...a bunch of snotty excuses, but she'll be cool and fix things, but never really take the blame or accept the fact what she provided isn't what she advertised...fake profiles, harassment, not listening to rules or warnings... not a good start.  Anybody reading this doesn't have to agree with me... I just felt it important to share my experience because I don't want others to deal with the same things (or worse) in the future.  People deserve a right to know about these icky shenanigans.  

Here are my swatch pictures

OK #1, Eww creep creepo factor. #2 thanks for taking the hit because they looked so pretty in their photos. Your photos look NOTHING like the polish advertised (and I know you take thorough swatch pics because you're one of my go to gals for pics) and I would have been very disappointed to just get a shimmery purple/blue considering I have so many like it. Finally: if it is the same polish from the same batch that is HORRIBLE quality control and I wouldn't trust buying anything anyway.

Thanks for the thorough and chill inducing creepy review!

Ugh, I rarely purchase nail polish but now I will be certain to avoid this brand! And, to be blunt, the polish you have is ugly, so everything else is just terrible icing on the creepy cake.

Totally creepy since you EMAILED her.. plus it's her and her company's lost for not having you as their customer since you tend to order A LOT of stuff. I'm so sorry that this happened to you!

Yikes, I knew about part of this, but it turns out the part I knew about was the tamest part!  I can't believe it got worse.

I'm sorry you had to be the guinea pig for others, but I'm glad you posted.  I also checked out the brand, after hearing about it here, and was thinking about buying a couple of polishes next week.  I'll be passing, simply because the company seemed to be hostile toward a customer.  Bad CS is the fastest way to make me not bother with a company.

Yikes, I knew about part of this, but it turns out the part I knew about was the tamest part!  I can't believe it got worse.

Totally creepy since you EMAILED her.. plus it's her and her company's lost for not having you as their customer since you tend to order A LOT of stuff. I'm so sorry that this happened to you!

Ugh, I rarely purchase nail polish but now I will be certain to avoid this brand! And, to be blunt, the polish you have is ugly, so everything else is just terrible icing on the creepy cake.

OK #1, Eww creep creepo factor. #2 thanks for taking the hit because they looked so pretty in their photos. Your photos look NOTHING like the polish advertised (and I know you take thorough swatch pics because you're one of my go to gals for pics) and I would have been very disappointed to just get a shimmery purple/blue considering I have so many like it. Finally: if it is the same polish from the same batch that is HORRIBLE quality control and I wouldn't trust buying anything anyway.

Thanks for the thorough and chill inducing creepy review!

Good to know! Yikes!
I'm glad I could warn some people!   :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  

I know some people wont think twice about any of this and will shop with her and it'll be fine, seems to always go that way.  But ugh, she just, blah!  I don't like when companies can clearly see a problem, deny any fault and then talk to me like I'm a special ed 5 year old who doesn't understand how life basically works.  She was that condescending in her email to me. The only thing she didn't do was draw a diagram on what different light bulbs look like, LOL.  I know I'm a pretty blunt person in my communications all the time, but I didn't say anything remotely deserving her sickening-sweet f-u/my crap don't stink tone.  

Anyways... my husband wanted me to just keep it short and tell her I want a refund.  But I decided my peace of mind was worth more than a 6$ paypal refund.  I sent her a piece of my mind in response to her behavior.  I even told her how creepy and shady she was contacting me here like she did.  She addressed me by my first name--when that isn't posted here!  I don't do business with people like that, their is no trust they wont go further elsewhere online or in real life.  I've done the peeping tom/stalker in real life game, and I've done the creepy a-hole with Bondi game ((and me and my bank are still pretty convinced he's the one who made a several hundred dollar fraudulent purchase with my card I had on file with Bondi, but that's another topic)).. I told her it is up to her own morals whether or not she refunds me.  A good business owner would have already done so without asking if I wanted one in a situation like this.. but I technically have a polish in hand, so whatever, I'm done.  If she does, she does... and if she doesn't, I still said my peace and wont be bothered to quit thinking about it.  Ya know?  

Trust is a huge issue for me as a customer, especially with new businesses.  It is why so many end up flopping quickly too.  I hope she takes some things to heart, her business will need it.  

Totally creepy since you EMAILED her.. plus it's her and her company's lost for not having you as their customer since you tend to order A LOT of stuff. I'm so sorry that this happened to you!
LOL... I snorted when I read your comment.  My husband looks at me and asks what's going on?  I said this chick on makeup talk, she's never met me, and knows how much I shop! :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  Have you been interrogating my UPS guy?  j/k   Seriously though, you guys think you're UPS etc man thinks your crazy for packages... mine passed my husband in the elevator at our apartment building one night.  He was looking at the packages in his arms, and the guy told my husband "no packages for your wife today! She gets at least one a day usually!"  I was standing at our door down the hall (and around the corner out of sight) hearing all this... my husband walks in all confused.. "How does the UPS guy know who I am?"  The UPS guy has seen me around the building before with my husband in tow... and he is at our door so much he's memorized the poor dude married to the compulsive shopper!  I'm kind of glad the delivery policy has changed at our building, and that packages get delivered to the security guard now.  It was getting embarrassing! :p 

Alas, you are right, I shop a lot, and she did miss out on regular shopping sales from me.  Her loss. 

LOL... I snorted when I read your comment.  My husband looks at me and asks what's going on?  I said this chick on makeup talk, she's never met me, and knows how much I shop! :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  Have you been interrogating my UPS guy?  j/k   Seriously though, you guys think you're UPS etc man thinks your crazy for packages... mine passed my husband in the elevator at our apartment building one night.  He was looking at the packages in his arms, and the guy told my husband "no packages for your wife today! She gets at least one a day usually!"  I was standing at our door down the hall (and around the corner out of sight) hearing all this... my husband walks in all confused.. "How does the UPS guy know who I am?"  The UPS guy has seen me around the building before with my husband in tow... and he is at our door so much he's memorized the poor dude married to the compulsive shopper!  I'm kind of glad the delivery policy has changed at our building, and that packages get delivered to the security guard now.  It was getting embarrassing! :p 

Alas, you are right, I shop a lot, and she did miss out on regular shopping sales from me.  Her loss. 
I swear that I'm not a creepy stalker! I just ALWAYS see you throughout most of the threads posting what you got with tons of pictures and reviews haha which are VERY helpful :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Thank you for posting about this. Even if the polishes going forward are gorgeous, I will not buy from them. There are so many worthy indie companies that I would rather give my money to instead.

This is completely creepy. I don't understand why people like this think they should start businesses. She obviously isn't really the right person to deal with customers.

I really should change my makeuptalk name. Stories like this creep me out mega.

Thank you for posting about this. Even if the polishes going forward are gorgeous, I will not buy from them. There are so many worthy indie companies that I would rather give my money to instead.
You bring up a good point. I would also add this woman is giving a bad name to indie companies. Especially while so many major polish makers are now fixing their ingredients to make them 3-free and such.... It makes people scared to shop with indies. Quality control!!

This is a review of a new nail polish from a new indie company, as well as a review on the company owner's behavior involving my purchase.  Others may have a different experience, but I wanted to get the word out about mine.  This post is kind of long because it is a dual review.

Last week in the enablers-shopping thread, a new indie nail polish company was posted, called Chloe and Bella, based out of Florida.  

They were having a 50% flash sale for their opening online.  (A valued regular member posted about the new company/sale deal, so I do know the promotion posted in that thread wasn't company sponsored) 

I decided to order one nail polish to try them out for quality of service and product.  It was shipped fast, and received in good condition.  However, I was not happy with what I received, compared to what they advertised. 

The color I picked was called "Black Opal", and was listed as a medium coverage in 1-coat, full coverage in 3-coats... with flashes of blue, black, copper, red, purple (like an opal, duh, lol).  The original swatch photos provided online had no indication it was shown over a dark colored base.  (While all the other polishes they sell were labeled as such when they were layered)

In all the stock photos there is very heavy color flashing, from all angles, on both nail swatches and bottle photos (even the straight on viewing angle).  So I expected to get a slightly sheer blackened base nail polish, that builds up fully opaque as shown in approx 3-coats, with full color flashing that changes with movement in the light. 

What I received was an almost clear, very sheer purple polish with a slight blackened base to it.  It had very minimal color flashing only along the edges of the bottle (and only after multiple movements under the made me work for it), and mostly stayed a static deep shimmer purple color.  

I then swatched different layers of the polish on a white background.  Both over a black base and by itself.  The polish I received was super sheer, like you get with french manicure type pale colors (only a dirty purple sparkle sheer)... and had absolutely no color flashing on any swatch, other than purple.  I did a 1-coat swatch and a 3-coat swatch over black bases.  Also, a 1-coat, 3-coat, and 5-coat swatch of the polish alone.  At no point even after 5 layers it is showing a full coverage opaque finish.  It is still only a sheer over coat finish, and again, only flashes purple.  

I posted my review in two different posts in the enablers thread with my pictures showing it, and stating I sent an email message to the company and would post any updates they provide (or not) here on makeup talk because other ladies were waiting to hear how the company is etc.  

This is where the creep factor comes in.  

I woke up today to a private message from the owner of the company, Barbara, who was registered as an individual regular member-under her company name.  She only registered a couple days ago, and her profile only showed 2 posts made--but I couldn't see them.  

She was not rude per say, but it was creepy how she found me online here at makeup talk to private message me, instead of emailing my email she had on file for my order.

She must have been stalking any mention of her company on here, and matched up order information to key words/names on makeup talk.. I don't see how she could have picked me out on makeup talk to message me about customer service, and known that she didn't end up receiving my email I mentioned and known my order information if this wasn't the case. Seeing as she doesn't have my personal info available on makeup talk. 

I private messaged Zadidoll here on makeup talk because I felt she crossed the line, and remembered something about business can't come here posting like that etc.  

I was informed she was in the wrong, had been warned before already for her public posts on makeup talk (as chloeandbella), and those postings were removed.  I was recommended to report her private message so they could take care of business.  

(I did not respond to her private message)

This is when I noticed in my emails that my email to their company email address was kicked back for being too large, although the CC'd copy I sent to myself went to my inbox just fine.  I tried sending it again, same thing.  So I sent the email without the pictures, and the pictures along in a second email.  She received the regular email, but the pictures were kick backed again.  I then emailed her again, alerting her that her mail system will not accept picture files to be received.  At this point she knows I am aware of her private message to me on makeup talk, and that I am aware she's been reading my posts I originally posted in the enablers thread--so I know she's seen my pictures already.

Here is where it gets worse...

The owner private messaged me at 8-ish am this morning, was reported etc by mid day and ultimately banned for multiple offenses.  

Then all of a sudden, my second quick post about them in the enablers thread, a member made a comment about my post.  It has since been removed, but basically it stated that they see no difference in my pictures to what they show online at the company (false), that it is user error why I don't have color flash showing (false), that she has a bottle of the same polish and hers is fully opaque in 3 coats... then goes on to talk about I should look at it under an LED light, because I'm probably using a florescent light source.. Then she posts the website link and announces it looks like they're updating the photos to show it was painted over a dark base color, so they must be doing right...  The entire post is pro company, user is wrong... even when my pictures clearly show what I talk about.  

I looked up the member profile, and it was conveniently only created this morning, a couple hours after the owner got banned here.  They only made one post online, in response to my post about the company... 

Again I feel it is fishy, and alert our beloved Zadidoll, she looks it up, and responds that it is from a google proxy and the IP is being hidden, and again says to report the post.  

It was a pretty blatant offense of the owner posing as another fake member once she got in trouble.  Who else is going to sign up all a sudden, make one comment like that, and nothing else, lol, especially with a hidden IP address.  

I asked Zadidoll how I can go about sharing my experience without breaking the rules, and so now I'm doing that.  I was going to give until Monday to hear a response back from the owner of Chloe and Bella before saying anything against them like this.  But as luck would have it, she responded just a bit ago.

And now I am 100% positive the owner was the fake poster here earlier, based on her email back to me.  

She sent me a rather long email back, spending the entire time making excuses for her company being in the right, and again it must be me!

*She claims these bottles of Black Opal all came from the first and only batch so far, the same as her bottle shown online.  

*She goes on a diatribe about how I should look at it under LED light!  That florescent lighting does not show color flash well.  

(I took my photos under an LED desk lamp.  I've also viewed it under natural light, florescent, and incandescent.  It is the SAME under all lights.

*She claims she upgraded my shipping on my original order, for being a new customer, from priority shipping to first class.  I still paid for shipping myself, I didn't ask for an upgraded shipping speed, nor was it advertised.. so I find this a moot point.  She's trying to get brownie points for something that was not the issue.  

*She then mentions the update on labeling the swatch photo online today.  (and she changed the description of the polish online to have a section about view it under LED lights, anything but florescent etc etc)

Every single thing she responded with was the exact same info and points etc from the mystery fake poster earlier today! (except the added shipping thing)  Now how convenient is that!?!  *rolls eyes*

I feel it is bad judgement and untrustworthy of a business owner to get multiple warnings about her actions here, and then continue to do so, getting banned.  Then not stopping there, but creating other fake aliases, clearly listed as against the rules here, and harassing me as a customer sharing their experience so far.  

I do not appreciate her tone in her email she responded with either.  She talks down to me like I do not understand how polish works, how light reflects, how to see color flashing, etc etc.. I also made her aware originally that the trinket box she sent the polish in arrived with a horrid smell, like cigarettes and had sharp dangerous flaws on the clasp...but that I was not blaming her or her company for that fault--it is clearly just cheap mass factory junk crap..but customers don't want to receive items that smell that toxic/strongly or potentially dangerous, and gave a nice/cheaper pretty option to try in the future if interested.  She talks down to me in her response that she doesn't smoke, blah blah, and smoking around polish is quite dangerous.. Uuuhhh, duh!  I said it smelled like cigarettes, not that she smoked around them.  There are other toxic smells that can smell like cigarettes, lol.  ((anyways, I wasn't seeking anything about this issue, I told her I only wanted to make her aware of it))

She doesn't want to send me a new bottle of polish, claiming they are same batch so it'll be the same.  Which doesn't say much for her company, since her bottle is a thousand times better looking and matches the description, unlike my bottle.  How can they all be the same if that is the case!?  She did offer a refund or different color though, so I will be asking for a refund.  I don't want any more business with her.  

I don't know how the experience will be for others, but she completely creeped me out today, and turned me off to her company.  If I cannot trust a business owner to follow rules, especially when warned, to provide accurate products that match their descriptions, and only receive a bunch of nice-but snotty remarks and excuses back for customer service.. it is not a company I would recommend doing business with.  There is no telling how far she'd go to post private information and order info anywhere online.  At least (for now) she only takes payment via Paypal, so she doesn't have my payment info.  You might have better luck with her company, but I'd strongly caution doing business with her.  The way she responds for customer service and how she sneaks around here on makeup talk reminds me too much of how Richard did from Bondi nail polish (if you're familiar with that)...a bunch of snotty excuses, but she'll be cool and fix things, but never really take the blame or accept the fact what she provided isn't what she advertised...fake profiles, harassment, not listening to rules or warnings... not a good start.  Anybody reading this doesn't have to agree with me... I just felt it important to share my experience because I don't want others to deal with the same things (or worse) in the future.  People deserve a right to know about these icky shenanigans.  

Here are my swatch pictures
Btw... This thread is now the first thing that comes up if you google "Chloe and Bella Polish" so they are going to have to spend some serious money on SEO if they want to keep their company afloat.

I just ordered polish from this company on Friday. Regretting it, to say the least.

Jen - if you would like a more anonymous name please PM me. I can change it for you ASAP.

:unsure: This is just getting worse and worse.  I'll update what my polish looks like when I get it.  Sigh - I was the one who originally posted about the sale and I've had pretty good experiences overall with indie brands, but I feel terrible about how this turned out :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I originally saw a post with the details on reddit (which I can't find right now since searching reddit is hard and I'm also not registered on the site), but it mainly just had the sale code and a link to this blog with a brief review:

 believe the post was made by the writer of the blog.  It seemed favorable, the cost was pretty low, and the payment could be done with paypal so I figured it was safe enough.

FYI they do have a facebook page, under "chloe and bella cosmetics" where you could try contacting them as well.

eta: the blog link I originally posted was a newer one; the one above is the first one I saw.  The same blogger did a follow up here

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You're absolutely welcome, Jen.
Now in regards to this mess. First, I'm so sorry NormaJean this has happened to you. This is why @@Director has decided that we mods are to strictly enforce the no business owners/reps rule now and thus any business owner/rep can no longer post on MUT. This includes that they cannot contact members via PM as the owner from C&B has done to you.
In regards to the bans, I won't get into detail about that however we do take member complaints seriously and when warranted the accounts reported will be delete with if any rule violations take place. Unfortunately, as well as being a business owner/rep there were indeed other violations which led to both @ as well as @ accounts to be banned. I have informed NormaJean of our actions against those two accounts.
My moderators are aware of the situation, they are also aware of what the owner of C&B has stated to me via PM which on one hand I do sympathize with her because she is a start up however MakeupTalk's policy has been and will most likely always will be our members are free to post their honest opinion on a company or product. The only time we do step in to remove certain things, in these types of situations, is when personal information such as a person's personal address, phone number (personal not business) or comments about a person's mental health/physical appearance takes place. Again, we do have some pretty strict rules however these rules are in place to protect our members from being harassed by company owners or reps.

I've stated before, during the Panty Fly, Posh Pod, Bondi and a few other issues we've had before, and that is this.

Dear Business Owner/Representative,

You may not like what a customer has to say about your product or your business however the customer has the right to his or her opinion be it the good, the bad or the ugly. The more you argue with a customer the less likely you're going to win that customer's trust or loyalty. You need to apologize to the customer even if the customer is wrong but you don't call them a liar, you don't fight with them and you most certainly do not belittle their opinions or experiences. If you go out of your way to make things right with the customer be it refunding their money or replacing a defective product then do so with no questions asked. APOLOGIZE even if you don't feel you were at fault. Make things right. Even if you have to lose some money to make the customer happy if you succeed in winning back that customer you're probably going to have a loyal customer who will not only gush over how well you treated them but who will return to make more purchases. Anger or upset the customer further and not only will you lose that customer but in a day and age where social media is rampant that person could very easily create such negative feedback that it will not only deter other potential customers but also damage your company's reputation as well as your own personal reputation. The choice is yours to make.

Um, yeah, this is way too creepy. Thanks for the warning. I love me some polish, especially indies, but no thanks. Ain't nobody got time for!!


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