Clear Skin Tips forums

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Feb 4, 2013
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Clear Skin Tips

1. Water                                                       * A glass of water with a

2. Sleep                                                          few slices of lemon will

3. Hygiene                                                      improve your skin texture

4. Exercise                                                     with a great complexion

5. Your diet                                                     and will imrpove your   

6. Moisturize                                                   metabolism :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

7. Identify your skin type

8. Treat your skin with a mask

Drink lots and LOTS of water, stay away from sweets and greasy foods. I know its hard, but if you want clear skin. Go to your local health food store and ask about their acne medications I found some very effective stuff there and it doesn't damage your skin.


[SIZE=11pt]Here are some Tips for clear and glowing skin:- [/SIZE]

  • Drink lot of water and wash your face with cool water.
  • Cut orange into 2 pieces and massage it on your skin leaves it for 10 min.
  • A mixture of ground almonds and Oats with honey and yogurt should be applied on the face for around 5-10 minutes and then washed with lukewarm water, to get a smooth skin.
  • Take honey and apply on your face for 15 mins n wash.
  • Take tomato n rub on your face and leave it for 10 mins then wash.
  • Egg white and honey face mask: It works wonders, trust me. All you have to do is first mix one egg white with 1 tbsp of honey and after this, apply it evenly over your face extending it to the neck. All you get to see is a glowing bright skin.
  • Milk and honey mask: It is one of the best formulas to get that instant glow. Take a spoonful of honey and mix at least half cup of fresh milk in it. Now, apply this wonder mask on your face and see the amazing results.
Pim­ple Emer­gency! To heal a pim­ple quickly, apply 100% tea tree oil with a cot­ton swab directly onto the pim­ple every few hours, and apply vit­a­min E oil on the spot at night, about 1 hour before bedtime.


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