Originally Posted by ayce i've tried Clindamycin Phosphate topical solution 1%.. i still don't know if it really works. ive been using it for the past couple of days and i -think- its working because the flesh-toned bumps/pimples i use it for are less obvious.. but are still there. i also got a cystic acne on the side of my nose (i think its cycstic acne? ive never had one but it was red, flat, and hurt when i pushed on it) and 3 days after applying the clindamycin the pain is almost gone but some redness is still there. good luck and i hope it works for you! I'm not sure if you'd call that cystic acne; I occasionally get large, sore acne but never had a doctor called it cystic acne.
A friend's brother, meanwhile, does have cystic acne, and she said the acne is huge and gross, and hopefully this isn't too much info, but it's just full of puss ... When he has a cystic acne on his cheek, he can even feel the bump inside his mouth! And one time a cystic zit burst when he got hit playing sports and it was downright embarrassing for him, it was so gross....