Originally there were just 4 seasons
Winter - Cool and Clear
Spring - Warm and Clear
Summer - Cool and Muted
Autumn - Warm and Muted
Then someone expanded that into 12 categories that included hybrids and gradations of the "true" seasons. You can see this theory on
http://www.colormeaseason.com .
I think there are (at least) three factors to consider:
Warm vs. Cool
Clear vs. Muted
High Contrast vs. Low Contrast
The contrast level comes from your own coloring - the degree of light to dark contrast between skin and hair color.
I talk about this quite alot over at the aromaleigh forum - you can find it there if you like
[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
But I always maintain that generally we are drawn to colors that suit us or fill a need, and that we should wear what we like, since dresing and making up should primarily please ourselves and be a self expression of who we are, who we want to be and how we are feeling, or would like to feel. I really don't like absolutes - never wear red, avoid black near the face, grey makes you look unathoritative, whatever. I'm real big on personal expression.
And about that bronzer thing - I was in Target the other day looking at clearanced makeup. L'Oreal True Match liquid bronzers were clearanced, and they had warm, neutral and cool liquid bronzers. The warm ones were the peacy/coppery tones, the cool bronzers had almost a plum/rose cast to them and were super pretty. The neutral was pretty, too. So maybe it's not ALL bronzers are not right for you, just that the warm, orangey coppery toned ones that we usually see don't suit you.
Or it could just be that the high contrast between your skin and hair is more pleasing to you than deepening the skintone and lowering the contrast.
Again, the point isn't to always avoid bronzers, but rather to decide if you want a more muted look, and then search for a bronzer with those rosier tones so it harmonizes with your skin better.
just my .02.