First of all, Aloha & Welcome to MuT CollegeBytes! You're definitely in the right place to get info from a diverse group of women.
I'm not sure what's causing your breakouts, but there are a few factors that could be involved. First, if you're under stress, this will definitely create mayhem to your skin. Try to add lots of leafy, green vegetables into your diet along w/lots of water to help combat the stress.
Second, try changing your cleanser. It could be that it's too harsh for everyday use, which might end up making your skin produce more oil. If you haven't already done so, add a toner & a moisturizer to your routine to help prevent excessive breakouts.
Third, if you work w/your hands often, make sure they're clean. Also, try to wipe down your phone(s) w/an alcohol wipe to remove excess oils & possibly do the same w/your keyboard--especially if you share your computer w/friends, roommates or coworkers. Last, change your pillowcase weekly & also try to change your face towel every 2 days--or simply dry your face w/a paper towel like Bounty or Brawny. By changing your towel, you don't recontaminate your face w/oils previously removed.
Last, if you've changed your shampoo or conditioner recently, you might want to reconsider this. I found that after changing either, my skin will break out along the hairline to accommodate the change. Try rinsing your hair w/cool water for about 90 seconds to make sure any excess residue is completely gone.
Hopefully, these will help. Definitely do the pillowcase & towel thing immediately. I use a fresh wash cloth every 2 days & have seen a HUGE difference in my skin since I trying this 2 years ago.
Good luck!