Cute story abt my 6-yr old forums

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Jan 4, 2012
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Thought this was funny, and had to share. My 6- year old is in gymnastics and has some fancy, shiny Leos she wears to class. The other day we stopped at a cafe after practice and she was still in her Leo.  One of the servers mistook her Leo as an "outfit" and was exclaiming over how beautiful her outfit was. He was telling her, "omg, I love your outfit!  That is so shiny and pretty. You go girl- look at you rocking that outfit"!  He was just thrilled with it and neither my daughter or I corrected him. She was pleased that he liked it.

Later that evening I was telling my husband the story and my 6-yr old chimed in, "he was one of those fashion guys. You know, the kind of guys who know about fashion and nice clothes". It was too cute!  I'll have to upload a photo of her in it.

Originally Posted by Hellocat4 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Thought this was funny, and had to share. My 6- year old is in gymnastics and has some fancy, shiny Leos she wears to class. The other day we stopped at a cafe after practice and she was still in her Leo.  One of the servers mistook her Leo as an "outfit" and was exclaiming over how beautiful her outfit was. He was telling her, "omg, I love your outfit!  That is so shiny and pretty. You go girl- look at you rocking that outfit"!  He was just thrilled with it and neither my daughter or I corrected him. She was pleased that he liked it.

Later that evening I was telling my husband the story and my 6-yr old chimed in, "he was one of those fashion guys. You know, the kind of guys who know about fashion and nice clothes". It was too cute!  I'll have to upload a photo of her in it.
Awwww that is soooo cute indeed! Thanks for sharing :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

What a nice server! I always love when servers or employees anywhere really positively acknowledge children. Like making little girls feel like princesses!

I love when they do that, babe. She was beaming- very proud that he noticed her.  I have to write it down to remember that story.

Originally Posted by Hellocat4 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I love when they do that, babe. She was beaming- very proud that he noticed her.  I have to write it down to remember that story.
How sweet! I try whenever I see children at my job to point out that I love their pink jammies or their cars sutcase (even took a pic of a cars suitcase, lol) & offer them a candy bar or something (if it's not too late and I whisper to the parents first, lol)


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