Dare To Be - A Disney Princess! (November 11th - 24th)

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Oh wow, look at you Snow White! You look just like her Rosie, very very gorgeous!!!

beautiful entries ladies!!

I think I'll do the little mermaid as it she is my favourite disney princess, I'm just trying to think how...

Ok.... I'll enter this one...

Snow White on her day off- hahaha


Originally Posted by laurafaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif Retro kittie - I like the 3rd one
Very pretty. LilDee - You look gorgeous as Jasmine!

Originally Posted by DragonGirl /img/forum/go_quote.gif Retro kittie - I agree with the others 3rd is def best but all look greatLilDee - very awesome you did really well on the sewing.

Originally Posted by Ozee /img/forum/go_quote.gif oh my Lildee.. your body is amazing Originally Posted by daer0n /img/forum/go_quote.gif You look beautiful Denise! you have such a gorgeous body! Originally Posted by rocksinger007 /img/forum/go_quote.gif lildee....that's an awesome costume...and I agree, your body's killer
retrokittie...your makeup's really cute...I always loved beauty and the beast

Originally Posted by emmy2410 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Retro - you look very pretty...i like the 3rd one.
Lil - wow thats a nice outfit and you look really nice in it.

Karren - hahahahahaha....thats cute.

rosie - you look cute...nice poses...i like the 2nd one...

very nice and creative ladies...

Originally Posted by purpleRain /img/forum/go_quote.gif Lildee > You are a perfect Yasmine!!Karren > hehe, that's a great picture, I can image the stares

Rosie > Snow White can't be better. You have got the same innocent look, beautiful!! 2nd picture is the best I would say.

Thanks so much for the sweet comments you guys!!I hope to put up an enterable picture too.. i just hope i find some time

OMG Rosie! you are so snow white!! super cute

and Karren and Retro, you guys look awesome too!

i freakin love disney!! I play disney movies in the store all the time! hahaha

Karren you make a stunning Snow White, you look fabulous! I really like that wig, great colour on you!

Originally Posted by pinksugar /img/forum/go_quote.gif ok, here is my entry! tell me which photo you think I should have in the voting






What I used -

1000 hour false lashes,

lancome foundation

mac ruby woo lipstick with gloss over it

bodyshop pink blush

wetnwild sparkly neutral eyeshadow

mac bark shadow in the crease


Told ya you'd make a beautiful Snow White!!

thanks Kaylin!
I was tossing up between her and belle, but I thought that snow white's hair was way easier, LOL

Karren - I love the red lips on you I think you make a great modern day snow white

Rosie - The classic innocent snow white you look great... I personally like the pose of the second one best and I think it shows the make up really nicely.

Great entries so far ladies... I did Jasmine a few days ago and took pics but my stinking flash washing out all the make up no matter how much primer I use and how dark I make it... I tried turning the flash off but then all I get is a blurry yellow mess.... anyone got any ideas?

Awww... Thanks!! I'm always changing something.. Mater of fact I've been using more mmu foundation and getting a nicer finish!!

Originally Posted by laurafaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif Wow Rosie you look great! I love the 4th one
I like the 4th one too! Cute theme!
You look too cute Karren!

Here are my photos! I had so much fun doing these, but the camera couldn't pick out all the colours! I was wearing like three different lipsticks but it only looks like one! My eyes would have to be the most artisitic I have ever been with makeup!

Oh, and I am a mermaid.

I'm not sure which photo to enter, so please tell me which one you think is best!!






No costume for this theme and my hair isn't that red anymore...

I just realized I forgot to get a close up! I've taken it all off now...



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