Dare to Be: A Fictional Character (May 4th - May18th)

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I did my fictional Character from the movie "The house of Flying Daggers"

Ziyi Zhang

I makeover my friend's face...since she looks like chinesse...me not....We did this together. We also had to make the sword out of scale and art paper. then colored it with silver. Here is the cool chinesse pics of Ziyi Zhang and mine friend Zarin :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> thank you Zarin...

YES I get to enter one of my cosplay pics...! Now just a question of which pic that has me with good makeup...

Oki...so I decided to enter my Freya pics from the anime "Chobit" (reference inspiration added).

Mind you..when I made this costume...I made it in like 1-2 days O_O

(BTW...if any1 is wondering why I am not frequently the boards as much lately...is because I have a convention in like..2-3 weeks and I've been working on my costume all day straight since I am NO where near done O_O)

they are both so good I think I may do storm from x men.. i am not sure but you two look fantastic!!!

Great job girls!!!!

Ash! Love it!!!! Glad to see you !

Mina - Awesome job!!! When you look at the thumbnail pics it's hard to tell the movie from your friend!!! GREAT!!!

Lainey- I love it! Great wig and costume!!!

:clap: great DTB ... so glad u decided to do Jessica ... i absolutely love her .... agree w/Janelle ... very sultry .....


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