dark upper lip mustache from smoking and getting false teeth

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Jun 20, 2012
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I have a dark line across my upper lip from smoking and false teeth (its not hair).  I have vertical lines going across it too, it really looks stupid, my son asked me one day why does it look like I have a mustache, I've been very self conscience of it ever since. I'm afraid to try bleach because I don't know which one to use or if it would look more stupid than it already does.  Really can't afford a dermatologist but I guess if I want something done about it, I might have to just go to one, but hoping someone out there can help me with any products that might work.

If the dark line is one the skin itself - make sure you apply adequate sunscreen everyday whether you go outside or not (the sun has a way of coming through living room windows).

Apply a concealer and set with a powder - both need to contain an spf.


If the darkness is from hair getting darker, my advice is to shave it. It will not grow back darker or coarser (wives tales). Make sure you use a two blade razer and dry shave to get best accuracy (no shaving cream, soap or water).


If smoking erally has something to do with this darkness, give it up. You will only be sabotaging any efforts as long as you continue to smoke.


Retin A will most likely help - I'm not a Derm so its only my opinion. You can get a prescription from a family doctor. make sure you start at 1% (mildest) and work your way up to a stronger strength over time (I'm sure your physician will explain that to you).


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