Day vs. Night Looks ~ Someone Pls Shed Light On This forums

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Sep 3, 2005
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Is it acceptable to wear "night" looks out during the day? I have a med-deep purple e/s that I blend with a lighter pink, and it looks stunning! But is it too dark for day wear, even if I'm wearing all black?

What defines a night look?

And what about the smokey look? Is that for night only as well?

Technically, what color ranges are appropriate for day? I'm sure most colors will do, but if you're contrasting with darker colors (black, dark brown, navy), can you pull this off during the day?

I don't mean to talk in circles, but I'm being pulled in the direction of what I think is "appropriate" for day - lighter colors, and I'm also being pulled in the direction of what I want to do for the day - anything goes.

Originally Posted by Trisha there are no rules in MU, if you feel comfortable wearing those colours in the day, go for it! That's what I say!!

If I wake up one day and feeling like doing a smokey eye, I'll be damned if I'm not going to do it just because it's not a day look. Same with a colorful eye when the mood hits me.

Most days I do wear lighter neutrals just because that's what I love - those are my kind of colors so they're what I wear most. My advice to you is wear what you want when you want to wear it. As long as you're comfortable in it and feel pretty, then it shouldn't matter!

I agree w/everyone. There is no set definition for a day or night look. Just wear what you feel comfortable in!

Originally Posted by FeistyFemme If I wake up one day and feeling like doing a smokey eye, I'll be damned if I'm not going to do it just because it's not a day look. AMEN Sista!! *giggles*
i agree. as long as u r comfortable wearing those colors in the day who cares what anyone else thinks. you know you will be looking good.

Originally Posted by FeistyFemme That's what I say!!

If I wake up one day and feeling like doing a smokey eye, I'll be damned if I'm not going to do it just because it's not a day look. Same with a colorful eye when the mood hits me.

Most days I do wear lighter neutrals just because that's what I love - those are my kind of colors so they're what I wear most. My advice to you is wear what you want when you want to wear it. As long as you're comfortable in it and feel pretty, then it shouldn't matter!

I'm a neutral girl most of the time, too, but sometimes if I feel like doing something more dramatic, I will! There are some girls at my school that rock the dark eyemakeup all the time, and it looks really nice on them. So I say if you feel comfortable and beautiful, why the hell not!
I'm going to be the devil's advocate on this one and ask whether or not you have a daytime job? My job requires conservative looks. I can't go to work with a bigtime smokey eye look, it wouldn't fit my job. No one in my office wears their makeup real heavy, or not sure it would be allowed. But, if your office is happy go lucky and nobody cares, then go for it girl!!!

Originally Posted by anne7 I'm a neutral girl most of the time, too, but sometimes if I feel like doing something more dramatic, I will! There are some girls at my school that rock the dark eyemakeup all the time, and it looks really nice on them. So I say if you feel comfortable and beautiful, why the hell not!
Originally Posted by suziqq322 I'm going to be the devil's advocate on this one and ask whether or not you have a daytime job? My job requires conservative looks. I can't go to work with a bigtime smokey eye look, it wouldn't fit my job. No one in my office wears their makeup real heavy, or not sure it would be allowed. But, if your office is happy go lucky and nobody cares, then go for it girl!!! I was just about to say something along these lines! I think what really should determine your mu is your environment -- if you work in an office where all the other girls wear conservative mu, you probably should too. But if you're going to spend a day at the mall, it probably doesn't matter what you wear!

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