December is Weight Management Awareness Month forums

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Jun 1, 2007
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Maintain, Don't Gain!

Ah, the holidays. What does this time of year mean to you? Is it a cheerful time filled with family, friends, parties and celebrations, or do you associate them more with fatigue, stress, excess food, and too little physical activity? Either way, one thing is common among most Americans…weight gain. While the 1 - 3 pounds the average American gains between Thanksgiving and the New Year doesn't sound all that threatening, most people don't lose that excess weight.

The cumulative effects can really add up during the course of several years contributing to a substantial increase in body weight. Not only does this impact one's quality of life and self-esteem, it increases the risk for several chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes and even cancer. Now, who wants to associate the holidays with these?

Instead of trying to shed those excess pounds after the holidays, why not prevent them?

(Shamlessly borrowed from my HMO's website....).

I started taking a few pounds off before the holidays as a cushion.. Bad selection of words.. Anti cushion!! Hahaha


That's a good idea.
I dont think it will be an issue for me this year though, since I will be on call on Xmas eve and therefore sleeping on Xmas day, so not a lot of food for me I guess!

I'm always aware of my weight. Aware that my butt is too big that is

heheh cute Originally Posted by KellyB /img/forum/go_quote.gif I'm always aware of my weight. Aware that my butt is too big that is
Originally Posted by KellyB /img/forum/go_quote.gif I'm always aware of my weight. Aware that my butt is too big that is
LOL Mine's not big enough!!!
I love Christmas food and i'm not afraid of eating a lot LOL

oh me too Lia. The whole month of December is nothing but a big delicious buffet. Last year I managed to drop a few pounds this month. I have no idea how though. I hope I do as well this year.

Originally Posted by Lia /img/forum/go_quote.gif I love Christmas food and i'm not afraid of eating a lot LOL Same here.
*sighs* winter weight......its too true. I get cautious at Xmas season otherwise I balloon! its so difficult to manage.

I love to eat especially indian food. sometimes when me and the bf go out to eat, I tend to eat more than he does or we fight for the last spoon..

Oh God...we sound poor..

Hubby and I always order too much Mexican.We end up taking it home and eating it for 2 or 3 nights.

Psh, what ev. I am gonna celebrate the month my Savior was born by eating myself into a stupor! I mean the man DIED for me, it's the least I could do.

j/k.....or maybe I'm not.....

I agree with all of the above baby, but doesn't it say somewhere in there that our body is a temple and we should take care of it---not that have? LOL


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