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Feb 27, 2005
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So, what can you go to the dermatologist for?

I know you can go for like peels and mircrodermabrasion. I want to get my face checked out cause I break out and it's driving me crazy. Do they do deep cleanings and stuff like that?

Originally Posted by Liz So, what can you go to the dermatologist for?
I know you can go for like peels and mircrodermabrasion. I want to get my face checked out cause I break out and it's driving me crazy. Do they do deep cleanings and stuff like that?

You can go to the derm. for anything skin related. I originally went because I thought I sweat to much. I mysteriously started to break out when I began college so I continue to go for acne. I also had an allergic reaction to sulfur and had Seborreah (sp?) under each of my eyes. I looked like I was attacked. I went for that too. My roommate has little reoccurring bumps by her lips that she gets checked out there... So yeah you can basically go for any problems with your skin.
Sure you can go to get your face checked out, and they'll give you something to treat it - but for deep cleaning, you should go to a spa and have them do a professional facial for you every 2-3 wks for maintenance.

Originally Posted by Liz So, what can you go to the dermatologist for?
I know you can go for like peels and mircrodermabrasion. I want to get my face checked out cause I break out and it's driving me crazy. Do they do deep cleanings and stuff like that?

I used to go to the dermatologist for acne, and while he never gave me any treatments, he gave me prescription creams to use on my acne and gave me a lot of information about things I can do to prevent the acne and care for my skin. I've never heard of a dermatologist giving treatments for acne; just prescriptions and advice. (And my dermatologist was nice and gave me a lot of free samples of stuff he wanted me to use

some dermatologists now have estheticians in their office to perform facials. try looking for a medspa. they cover all areas of skincare.

Originally Posted by Liz So, what can you go to the dermatologist for?
I know you can go for like peels and mircrodermabrasion. I want to get my face checked out cause I break out and it's driving me crazy. Do they do deep cleanings and stuff like that?

this is kind off topic. but I have blackheads on my nose. What can I do to get rid of them. Besides spending a lot of money for a esthetician to do the facial on me. Because I would like to get my nose pierced before I go to college.


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