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Jul 1, 2005
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What are your thoughts about dhc products (moisturizers, etc)???

I love the deep cleansing oil. Afterwards I use the mild soap. I used a samole of the B mix cream...yucky smell. It didn't really do anything but it was only a sample.

I guess I didn't wait long for anyone to respond, b/c I went ahead and placed an order about a week ago and I feel like I have tried 5 million of their products already from the order I made and from the samples!!!!
. I absolutely love this line. I think this skin care is meant for me. I actually think we are in love :icon_love!!! I actually purchased the deep cleansing oil and I love it. I was scared I would break out, but that didn't happen. I now just ordered the acerola gel (I've heard nothing but good things), the eye makeup remover (ditto), and the skin sofetning lotion(I sampled this, and I immediately went to buy it, I love it!!!). If you haven't tried these products I definitely reccomend them!!!

Originally Posted by jennyb I guess I didn't wait long for anyone to respond, b/c I went ahead and placed an order about a week ago and I feel like I have tried 5 million of their products already from the order I made and from the samples!!!!
. I absolutely love this line. I think this skin care is meant for me. I actually think we are in love :icon_love!!! I actually purchased the deep cleansing oil and I love it. I was scared I would break out, but that didn't happen. I now just ordered the acerola gel (I've heard nothing but good things), the eye makeup remover (ditto), and the skin sofetning lotion(I sampled this, and I immediately went to buy it, I love it!!!). If you haven't tried these products I definitely reccomend them!!! Hi Jenny. The stuff from DHC looks great, only i dont think i can order this, because if i have seen it right they dont ship it to Holland. I have seen also an other line that is very populair ( atleast that is what i have heard). Its called Dr. ci-labo a japanese product. Unfortunally they only ship it to the U.S., so I really dont know what to do know. I really need one of these products, do you have any idea of how to get them?
Hi! I have used a few things from DHC. Almost everything I loved. I especially love the Deep Cleansing Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Olive Leaf Cream. I had an allergic reaction to the Anti-Ox-C cream. Also the whole Alpha Arbutin Line broke me out. The Make-Off sheets are great too!

I am soo sorry. I just called their 1800 number to see if they shipped to Holland and they said that they dont

Originally Posted by jennyb I am soo sorry. I just called their 1800 number to see if they shipped to Holland and they said that they dont
. That is very nice of you, thanks. Thats the problem with most products, that they dont ship it to Holland. Maybe that it is to far for them or something ( i dont know
). But anyway thanks again, bye!

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