DIY Winter Skin Care - your tips? forums

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Feb 26, 2011
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What are some of your tips for DIY winter skin care? Do you have a favorite DIY mask or exfoliating scrub to share? Do you make your own lip balm? Share your tips and recipes with us! :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I love using honey-based DIY masks during the winter because, since honey is a humectant, it draws in moisture to your skin (and it's anti-bacterial which helps those of us with acne-prone skin). I usually mix up a few tablespoons of oatmeal and a bit of water with the honey to make a paste and apply for 5-10 minutes, then rinse! It's good to follow up with a light cleanser and moisturize as usual.

Also, I like to use a simple mixture of olive oil and sugar to exfoliate and moisturize dry hands. Just use a couple tablespoons of olive with a tablespoon of sugar, then rub hands together for 30-60 seconds and rinse. You can even use it for dry feet as well!

I make sure i moisturize, day and night. It's really key to prevent dry skin, cracked heels, and so on. If you have eczema, it's no secret dry skin is its best friend.

Olive oil is a good tool for scrubs, i don't do scrubs too often, but it's good to get rid of dry skin on your heels (i use coarse salt or sugar). Then i like to apply a good amount of macadamia nut oil on my feet, and apply socks just after.

For my hands, it's not really a DIY product, but more a DIY procedure. If they're really dry and cracked, to the point they hurt and look like they're about to bleed open, apply a face serum (or a hydrating mask), then apply a handcream with a good amount of oils and butters inside, then wrap them with gauze. They look much better the next morning, and are repaired in a couple of days.

I generally switch to Oil Cleansing Method for face cleaning when my skin gets dry or chapped. Other than that I usually just use heavier moisturizers on my face and arms which seem to do the trick. My legs and especially feet get super dry and I make sure to keep them buffed. If my heels start to crack I start using heavy shea butters, raw coconut oil or nut oils and then put socks on. It allows for stuff to soak in without rubbing it off around the house.

Moisturize, moisturize! I like heavier creams and layering. I am a fan of the oil cleansing method, too. I do that in the evening, to pull off my makeup. I also will use a bit of rose hip oil if my skin's feeling dry. After bathing or showering, I like to use a body oil and follow up with lotion or body butter, especially on heels, knees, elbows and my hands. I'm never found without hand cream and lip balm in the colder months!

I oil cleanse during the winter with a mix of Jojoba, Tea Tree, and Castor oils. I also use Coconut oil as a moisturizer. My skin gets soooo dry! 

I started using coconut oil as a mask, but not sure if my hair is just THAT damaged, or it's just going to take a little longer for the benefits to come through. My hair is probably just THAT damaged! Ha ha.

Originally Posted by maleia91 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I oil cleanse during the winter with a mix of Jojoba, Tea Tree, and Castor oils. I also use Coconut oil as a moisturizer. My skin gets soooo dry! 

I started using coconut oil as a mask, but not sure if my hair is just THAT damaged, or it's just going to take a little longer for the benefits to come through. My hair is probably just THAT damaged! Ha ha.
Do you have a recipe to share?

Originally Posted by zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Do you have a recipe to share?
I use 1 teaspoon Jojoba, 4 drops Castor, and 1-2 drops of Tea Tree (2 drops when I am more prone to break outs.)

Originally Posted by maleia91 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I use 1 teaspoon Jojoba, 4 drops Castor, and 1-2 drops of Tea Tree (2 drops when I am more prone to break outs.)
Nice. Tea Tree oil is so amazing. Not only does it help with breakouts but it helps get rid of itchiness too. I have fairly intense environmental allergies on top of sensitive skin so I am always itchy.

My fave winter exfoliating mask that doesn't dry the skin out like so many store-bought ones can uses ingredients already in my fridge!

2 teaspoons brown (or raw) sugar

1 tspn apple cider vinegar, apple juice or citrus juice or red wine

1 teaspoon full-cream milk, coconut cream, buttermilk, cream, sour cream, goats milk or yoghurt

crushed aspirin or cream of tartar (for blemished skin).

Mix together and apply with a clean paint brush used expressly for this purpose. Leave on until dry then gently wash off using a face cloth. Pat dry the skin, then use witch hazel as your toner to close and reduce pores. Apply a little  jojoba, almond or apricot kernel oil to soothe and soften further.

let me know if this works for you too!


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