Do you post on other (non-beauty/makeup related) forums? forums

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May 29, 2011
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I've been on and off various internet forums over the years..... its interesting to see how its evolved a bit...

My first message board was a cloth diapering message board I joined to learn about cloth diapers when my oldest was born back in 2004...  Then I joined a natural family living board shortly after that... Mostly now I post on a Christian moms forum and also on a Children's Clothing discussion forum... and here.

How about you?

This is my first and only forum as of right now.  I've been very slow and leary about social media.  I used to be so afraid of having my privacy seriously invaded.  Then I started realizing, I'm not that interesting.  Who would want to hack into my life? hahahahaha.  Anyway,  this site keeps my interest and is all I really have time for right now.

I've been on a bunch of different community forums and online communities.  Probably too many to list, but I've worked my way up to a moderator or administrator of different types of general community forums.  (Entertainment, age-based, local, gaming)  There's a bunch I was just a member on too, both those were also entertainment, age based, general, or gaming forums.  Anywhere from 10 regulars to 10,000+ daily visitors!

Right now, I'm mostly on 3 sites (beauty, gaming, gaming), and part time on 4 others (general, entertainment, beauty, gaming)

I post on Nexopia's forums a lot, even though the site has been pretty dead since Facebook came along.

I do. I post at Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5 forums... gaming, geocaching... um... parenting, Japanese fashion, Japanese music/tv/movies... Google Zadidoll and pretty much 99.9999% of the links are either me or about me. lol  You can find many of my posts under Zadidoll dating back to 1996 or 1997. I'm a big mouth and have an opinion on EVERYTHING. lol

Yep. A site which integrates everything from food to automobiles to religion.

Yup.  I post on one for adults in braces, a few health and exercise, quite a few hair care,  one on fashion, one on pets, one on entertainment and celebrity gossip.  Also a few on personal development.  Don't think I left any out.

Originally Posted by jeanarick /img/forum/go_quote.gifThen I started realizing, I'm not that interesting.  Who would want to hack into my life? hahahahaha. 
You are very interesting! And I've very much enjoyed watching your videos on you tube!

Originally Posted by zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I do. I post at Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5 forums... gaming, geocaching... um... parenting, Japanese fashion, Japanese music/tv/movies... Google Zadidoll and pretty much 99.9999% of the links are either me or about me. lol  You can find many of my posts under Zadidoll dating back to 1996 or 1997. I'm a big mouth and have an opinion on EVERYTHING. lol
AWESOME.  What an eclectic mix.  

Originally Posted by llehsal /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yup.  I post on one for adults in braces
okay this is probably the most random one I've seen!  lol

I comment on one for Christian Army Wives and another politics-related one. Politics forums can get heated though.

Yes, on a couple others, one is on spirituality, the other is on ultralight hiking. I think i have usernames on other forums but i don't go there as regularly as i used to.

I post on this one the most and also a No Doubt fan forum and a local sportbike forum. Those are my top 3. I've been on a few others but these are my top 3.

Makeup, No Doubt and Motorcyles haha.. that's me in a nutshell!

I joined only one other forum before this one and it was a breast implant one LOL... yes i have implants, and needed/wanted more information before I got them done back in 2005... But as of right now MUT is the only forum that I am active on...

Originally Posted by sammiebz /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I joined only one other forum before this one and it was a breast implant one LOL... yes i have implants, and needed/wanted more information before I got them done back in 2005... But as of right now MUT is the only forum that I am active on...

If I had the extra cash and the balls to do it, I'd get them too! My Mom had them but from back in the day and they burst on her. Scary! But after I have kids and breast feed I really want to get implants. I just want them to have big ole boobs, I'm not going to lie LOL. Then it would match my hips (they are big)

I posted in some politics forums and fashion. I have just started post in MakeupTalk, but I have already like it

not anymore.  back when i worked in the music industry I was all over every music/rock/label/band forum you could think of.  its a pain now, keeping up.  I go to one in which i had made many near and dear friends from the industry but thats about it.


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