Do you tan? forums

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Pale skin is the way forward i love the fact im pale - i dont tan at all but i really dont care i joke about it -

My friends are tan freaks and constantly go on sun beds the thing is when im old and still fresh faced they will be old and wrinkly where there skin has dried out! plus on all skin adverts they never have tanned skin they always have fresh pale skin - i think that pale people should show of there fair skin cos i think it looks way better then fake orange sun bed and bottle tans any day!

When I'm on vacation, I sit on the beach with SPF 45 and I tan gradually over a period of a week. I have pale skin and skin cancer runs in my family. Sometimes I use self-tanners, but to me, most of them smell awful so I live with my pale skin for the majority of the year. I don't go out of my way to tan but if I'm at someone's house and using their pool, I do, but I do it wisely.

I really get offended and p'd off when sometimes (some) people come up to me and say "oh my gosh, you're so pale, why don't you get some color".
To each his or her own, but I don't go up to people saying "oh my gosh, you're so dark, why don't you stay out of the sun".

If you choose to sun worship, fine, and hopefully you're smart enough to use protection against skin cancer & sun poisoning. But people who make disparaging comments about those who don't, are just plain ignorant.

I am naturally olive skinned and it is not a flattering shade. It is very sallow and green-based (hence, "olive"). When I have a little more color, I get a nice warmth and my skin tone looks more even and pretty. I use tanning beds once a week and also self-tanning lotions, if I find one I like. I also like to be tan because it hides imperfections on my body (spider veins from Hell--hereditary). When outdoors I don't use sunscreen because I never burn, but I don't overexpose myself or 'bake" in the sun either.

I'm not a fan of chemical laden sunscreens anyway, I feel that the chemicals in them are not healthy. There are countless sunscreens on the market, a new one every week, the SPF's keep going up, but the skin cancer rates continue to skyrocket...WHY? Something isn't right here.

I should add something before I get labeled a hypocrite...yes I use other chemicals ie: hair color, nail polish, etc. But i don't put those on my skin which is the largest organ of the body. Anything you put on your skin goes right into your system. I always look for a natural alternative for any product whether it be anti-perspirant or zit cream. If the natural alternative works, great! If it doesn't, I will certainly try a manufactured product with synthetic ingredients. I just make sure I read and understand the ingredient list and make an informed decision. I'm not "chemical free" 100%...obviously that would be impossible. But I do what I can to make wise choices. Ok, I feel better now! (I just didn't want anybody to think I was a hypocrite!)
Yeah...I don't like to go out and get a tan. It's more like if I'm out and it happens great if not great
I usually don't tan right away though...first I burn then peel then voila tan lol. I'm strating to embrace my fair skin more and more.

octobersunshine, is that you in your avatar? If it is, you're very pretty, I wish I could get my hair to look like that!

I naturally have medium skin and tan VERY easily, but I do use tanning beds at least once a week, and my fave part of going away is sitting in the sun all day tanning
with a wonderful spf 2 oil, sometimes 4 or 6 when i'm away for the first few days.

I just feel better and happier with myself when I'm tanned

Originally Posted by girl_geek octobersunshine, is that you in your avatar? If it is, you're very pretty, I wish I could get my hair to look like that!
lol...I wish!!!...No...that's Drew Barymore...and I wish I could get my hair to look like that too
I tan once a week just to keep some color. I was going about 2 times in the mid summer.

I feel better with color. I know that it isn't good, but I try to keep it in moderation

Originally Posted by girl_geek I am particularly interested in how many other pale-skinned girls like me don't tan and embrace their paleness, lol, but I figured while I was at it, I might as well make a poll with lots of options

Check all that you do on a regular basis!

I tan in a tanning bed. I mostly do it for my legs. I think they look better tan then white. The tanning bed I use has built in face tanners and my face really doesn't seem to get much at all compared to my body. Thats okay with me though, I'd rather just use my makeup on my face to get the look I want and avoid the wrinkles. I know it's bad for the skin to tan but I have Seasonal Affective Disorder and the tanning really helps me mood wise. I like to keep a light tan also so that I don't burn when I do go outside. It seems no matter what sunscreen, what spf, or how often I apply it, I'm sure to burn up to a crisp quickly in the sun.

I am very fair but not fair enough to have the gorgeous porcelain skin

In my 20's I did tan, in beds and at the outdoor pool. One day I was putting on MU and saw that the smile lines around my mouth didn't go away when I wasn't smiling! I stopped and haven't tanned since.

I would use a light self tanner but I have eczema and most moisturisers give me rashes.

I used to be a bronzed beauty all year long. Me, a bottle of gorgeous imported olive oil and the sun were the very best of friends. Then a friend died of skin cancer, and two family members were diagonosed with it. That was enough to scare me.

Sunscreens kill me, I just turn into a huge giant hive so I have pretty much avoided the sun for the past couple of years. This year I tried Arbonne's BefoRE Sun line and it didn't make me itch, BBW's 29 and holding worked okay, but not as good as the Arbonne. I just started using the Made in the Shade sunscreen with self tanner and so far I really like it.

No, I don't "intentionally" tan, but I do get rays when I'm outside biking or whatever.

I did the tanning bed thing for a year and I looked awesome! Now that I'm in my 30's, I'm alittle hesitant to do anything that will promote premature aging!

I was addicted to the tanning beds but haven't been in about 4 months. I've been using some sunless tanning lotion recently to try to keep me from going back to the beds. I just hate the smell and don't think it looks as good but I know it's better for my skin. My complexion is too sallow and washed out looking without some sun, I think. I have alot of yellow undetones so without a tan I feel like I look sickly and jaundiced. lol I may go back to tanning but just not as excessively as I was before.

You silly, silly girls.

I was a teenager and lived at the beach in the 70's. The darker the tan, the cooler you were. I am a PPP.
Now, I am 43, and am getting lines and dark spots on my cheeks. Crap. I have not tanned in over ten years, I have been self-tanning for that long.

Tanning from the sun or beds does nothing but age your skin, and sometimes cause skin cancer. Now that there are so many better self tanners on the market, I just don't understand why people risk it.

I have not purposely tanned in the tanning beds or laying out in the sun since I was 17, and I'm now 20, almost 21. I wear SPF everyday - it's SPF 45 in the summer, and SPF 15 in the winter. I don't avoid the sun, but I don't really find myself in it much anyways.

Shooooot I am so white that finding a foundation or even concealer that blends naturally into my skin has been a lifelong mission. I am so pale that I dont even freckle and tanning in any way is pointless. Anyone else out there like me who has found the one?

Originally Posted by glamslam I'm not a fan of chemical laden sunscreens anyway, I feel that the chemicals in them are not healthy. There are countless sunscreens on the market, a new one every week, the SPF's keep going up, but the skin cancer rates continue to skyrocket...WHY? Something isn't right here.
Th^at article explains why.

I don't intentionally tan either - I always wear sunscreen under my foundation and I slather on baby sunscreen on my exposed skin... I have olive skin tone and I tan so easily though. My skin colour goes a shade or two darker in the summer months, which is a pain. For a little while I would use self tanning lotion on my leg only because they never seemed to match up with my arms. I did go tanning once, because my good friend goes regularly and she said it's really calming to lie in the tanning bed. So I went with her, and OUCH! I got burned on my ass and legs... I will never ever go back. If I want to relax, I'll read a book by the shade, and if I want to have a healthy glow, I will exfoliate my skin and apply some self tanner instead! SOS! (Save Our Skin!)


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