Do you touch up/redo your make-up or file your nails in public? forums

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No. However if I need to fix my nails or makeup and I won't be home in a reasonable amount of time, I will find a reasonably private area, like a bathroom or my car.

In the car, where I have my touch up kit =) or if it's lip glossI don't even do it consciously!

I will usually touch up my make up in the car. Sometimes I do look in my compact mirror in public to make sure I'm not shiny or anything.

I usually touch up my lipstick in public, if I'm wearing one, cos I am obsessed with keeping it in  full intensity, seeing it patchy or really faded drives me crazy ahaha.

From time to time I might take the mirror out of my bag if I'm wearing a dark eye makeup, looking for smudges and stuff, because my eyes tend to water if I laugh a lot, but only if there's no toilet near me, cos I don't think it looks nice to check yourself in front of people.

Generally I don't, but if I'm out all day I may have to make an exception, though I'll try to do it less obviously.  I remember last year, I got left for six hours to run a booth in a theme park.  I was kind of stuck there in the heat, so at one point when no one was around, I ducked under the counter to do a quick fix lol.  I definitely try to avoid having situations like that now.. hah

I do shamelessly re-apply lipstick anywhere and everywhere. I've read that it's supposed to be considered "tacky", but I'm more concerned about feeling comfortable than what someone who happens to glance at me for a few seconds is going to think.

I was on a train once and a woman got on, sat opposite me and did her full make-up.  It was in the morning, so I think she may have been running late for work.

Funny topic.
No I personally do not, but I don't judge those who do.
Some times we are in a rush, and we gotta do what we gotta do.

In the dark ages of my career, when I commuted for about 2 hours in each direction, I had to leave home at 5:30 in the morning to catch a 6am train to be sure that I would be at work by 8.  I would put foundation and powder on at home, nap for the first half hour of the train ride and then put on eye makeup (usually just liner and mascara), blush and lipstick on the train.

It was just too damn early to care what people thought.  Most of the other passengers were asleep anyway, and most of those who weren't asleep were reading newspapers.

Having said that, there were men who would clip their toenails (yes, toenails!!!) on the train.  By those standards, applying a little eyeliner and lippie is pretty tame.

Interesting a lot of no's here... When I commute on the subway and streetcars, I see a few women touching up their make-up, some full-on applying it, not so much nails though. On the bus, no, I am guessing the ride is too bumpy and too stop-and-go for a good or half decent application. As for me... I reapply my lippy balm... ðŸ˜

I have a nail file in plain sight on my desk at work, and when people are in my office just to chit chat (not business related) I've caught myself shaping my nails while listening and talking. Never even thought twice about it or been self-conscious. 
I usually carry my lippie with me and reapply it often, regardless of who's looking.

As for full on makeup, Nahh. Hardly even in front of my SO!

If I'm out I have no problem reapplying lip color in public... I don't even carry any other makeup items with me on a daily basis.

When I'm at work, I don't even have time for that and it's earned me the nickname 'chola' because I like to wear red lipstick usually and it tends to fade out in the middle of my lips leaving just the outer parts lined with color.

I do re-apply lipstick in public restrooms, but that's about it. Other than lip products, I don't really carry makeup with me.

I'll put on lip product in the car or my desk, but that's about it. I don't carry any other makeup with me.

I have seen men though clip their nails at work. I really don't like them doing that. Something about it grosses me out. I work mostly with men, but a few women and I noticed that one of the conference had huge toe nail clippings on the floor. I just don't get why they have to clip at work and apparently in a conference room in that case.

I have touched up my full face out in public, but I dunno if it really counts because I was in highschool between classes at the time. Since then I've touched up things other than my lip products in the car, but other than that only lipstick/gloss/balm out where everyone can see.

As someone who gets up very very early to catch a very very long bus ride every weekday morning, I do almost all of my makeup in public. I don't want to smudge my makeup when I fall asleep on the bus, or get lipstick all over my chin while downing a breakfast bar. Plus, my face when I wake up is very puffy and red, and my eyes are watery, so my face isn't ready for makeup until an hour after.


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