Do You Wear Makeup When You're Just Staying home or Only When you Go out? forums

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I wear makeup even if I'm not going anywhere. I'm still pretty new to makeup, and I'm at the point where I really enjoy playing around with different colors and seeing how things look, so I use every day as an opportunity to try a new look.

i wear makeup when i want to. usually, at home, i don't, unless i'm trying out a new product and wants to see how it wears. like if i'm trying out a concealer, then i'll put some concealer (after and if) i shower, but that's it. i usually put on makeup when i go out, but not always. if i don't feel like it, i won't at all and have no problem getting out the door bare-faced. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I go the whole nine yards with hair and makeup every single day, no matter what. But I do work from home and have to be seen on camera for work. I still do the makeup and everything if I decide to take a night off anyway, just because I do enjoy doing it, and I prefer to see myself made-up when I walk past a mirror.

I wear makeup probably 3 out of 7 days a week. At the moment I only leave the house that often and I only find it necessary to wear makeup on days when I am going out. I usually put on makeup if I am shooting a video for my youtube channel or taking pictures for my blog, which again is about 3 days out of the week.

I don't wear makeup if I am just staying at home and not shooting anything, but I do wash my face and put on moisturizer ever morning. Sometimes, I don't wear makeup even if I am leaving the house to go to the drugstore or shopping.

I only wear makeup at home when I'm creating new makeup looks for my blog. I try to avoid wearing makeup all day long since my skin is so sensitive, if I don't let my pores breathe I tend to wake up the next morning with break outs. Yikes!

I LOVE wearing makeup and it is totally part of my everyday life!  i never go out without putting on at least some makeup and most of the time, even if staying home, I still get made up.  I just find it fun and it makes me feel pretty when I have it on.  Sometimes, if i'm not going out, i will try on a new look.  I know its probably better for my skin if i would go without.... but i just cant resist!

I work M-F 9-5 and wear a full face of makeup those days. On the weekends if I'm staying home or just making a Walmart run I don't bother with makeup. I like to give my skin a day or two off each week if I can. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I used to wear make up every single day of my life. I could be deadly sick with the flu and I'd have make up on. Then I moved and got married and my husband complained about how much make up I was going through. I'm a homemaker so I'm home all the time so he didn't see a point. So now I only put make up on when I go out. If I'm going out with friends then I'll get allll crazy and do some highlighting and contouring. But I have to be in the mood to spend a lot of time getting ready!

Pretty much. If I'm just mostly at home or running to target or something I'll stick to bb cream, mascara, and lipgloss. Otherwise I usually at least put on blush and eyeshadow. And highlighter.

I use days at home to experiment with new colour combinations and products. The only time I don't wear makeup is when I'm sick, for obvious reasons!
Yeah this too. I work a pretty conservative office job (insurance) so I use my days off to bust out the color.
I mostly wear makeup when going out, but at the same time, I like to experiment at home a lot as I'm always purchasing new items, and like to develop different looks for different occasions with them.  I find it helpful to photograph each combination and then compare later (for better or worse lol).  In my case, it depends too; if I'm just going out to run errands, I may use a bit of foundation, CC cream, or mascara, but I'm usually too lazy to go full-out with foundation, full eye makeup, false lashes, and such unless I'm performing or going to a party, or some type of event.  So I'm most often using some, but it really varies greatly at times too.

I like to play with more colorful eyeshadows when I'm at home. But I'm currently trying to use up an Aveeno Tinted Moisturizer (it has glitter in it which makes it hard to wear out), so I'll put that on when I'm at home in place of my standard moisturizer. And, you know, once that's on I figure out a little blush can't hurt either... and then I end up with an almost full face of makeup

Once I finish that moisturizer though, I'll probably just go back to only wearing colorful eyeshadows when I'm staying in.

I wear makeup at home most of the time. I like to try new looks and play in my makeup. I do wear makeup when going out there are some days I don't wear makeup to let my skin breathe or just tired from my newborn daughter.


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