Drying synthetic brushes

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Oct 1, 2007
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Is there some step that I'm missing in cleaning synthetic brushes? Because it's been two days since I've washed my EDM foundation brush and the thing is STILL wet.

normally after washing I'll use a dry cloth n gently squeeze out any excess water...then leave the brush lying down on its side to dry. I sleep in an aircon room...so it is mostly dry by morning....

Originally Posted by lotusindigo /img/forum/go_quote.gif Is there some step that I'm missing in cleaning synthetic brushes? Because it's been two days since I've washed my EDM foundation brush and the thing is STILL wet. hi! you have to squizz the brushe very gentel and to put the brush with klips and twine and to put it in the air and that way its will dry very fast!

i hope I explain good.

Maybe, you can try washing them "right-side-up" at the next go. And then perhaps try hanging them dry in that position also. It will prevent water from backing up into the shank of the brush.

Actually I think it might just be a flaw of the brush. My EDM foundation brush was the one not drying out... but my Essence of Beauty synthetic foundation brushes dried out just fine.

I also think it might be because of the brush. I have a set of signatre mineral luscious synthetic 7 piecse brush set, plus the kabuki from the same line and they easily dry through a night.

Originally Posted by Nox /img/forum/go_quote.gif Maybe, you can try washing them "right-side-up" at the next go. And then perhaps try hanging them dry in that position also. It will prevent water from backing up into the shank of the brush. I always heard that it is a bad idea to wash and dry your brushes in that way. The brushes will lose their shape, and that you should always lay the brushes flat to dry.
This is just what I've heard...

I've never had that problem, I do gently squeeze out as much as water as I can & then leave it to dry & it generally only takes a few hours for it to finish drying completely.......

Originally Posted by PhantomGoddess /img/forum/go_quote.gif I always heard that it is a bad idea to wash and dry your brushes in that way. The brushes will lose their shape, and that you should always lay the brushes flat to dry.
This is just what I've heard...

I do this with my kabuki and my flat top (since they stand that way anyway), and if you shap them before you stand them, there's no problem.

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