eye makeup ideas

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Jan 25, 2005
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hi all!! i am in desperate need of some new eye makeup ideas!! preferably with photos so i can see how its done and if it would suit me..i have a few on my notepad if anyone is interested in something dramatic for a night out...ideas welcome!!

Hey KitaKat, I just saw your notepad!! Good job with setting it up. Looks great!

If you have any other questions on anything let any of one of the moderators know. But I have to say that your eyes are beautiful!

Originally Posted by kitakat

hi all!! i am in desperate need of some new eye makeup ideas!! preferably with photos so i can see how its done and if it would suit me..i have a few on my notepad if anyone is interested in something dramatic for a night out...ideas welcome!!

Hi Kita Kat

Nice Notepad!

Have you seen Trisha's notepad ? Click here to see that. She has alot of makeup listed there. I know she is going to add some of her eye shots there too.

Hope this helps!

Originally Posted by kitakat

hi all!! i am in desperate need of some new eye makeup ideas!! preferably with photos so i can see how its done and if it would suit me..i have a few on my notepad if anyone is interested in something dramatic for a night out...ideas welcome!!

No ides, but I did want to say I love the pics on your notepad!
And you have lovely eyes!

Hey Kitakat, i don't have any photo's but what i can suggest to you is to look out for FOTD posts on the Make Up board. A few of us post what make up we wear every day & some even post pictures so you can get idea's from them too! You should join in the FOTD posts so we can get ideas off you too.. IWe all share information about what works/what doesn't work for each other!

hi all

thanks for the tips.. ive looked at all the notepads u suggested and i must say trisha has a great site...im going to mac tommorrow!!!!! and thanks to all for the compliments on my eyes, i work hard to make them look nice!!! i will try to post more pics and looks of the day when i can..but i cant figure out how to add a pic to a post or thread!?! all it says is from url??? how do i go about posting? sorry im new


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