I HATE my eyebrows!! I keep telling myself I'm going to spend the money to actually go to Anastasia to get my eyebrows done (or at least so somebody at her salon, since I understand it takes forever to get into her, IF you can get in to see her, being a nobody and all!) It's only 40 bucks, which is a lot for eyebrows, but a lot less than I thought they'd charge. On the other hand, they say your eyebrows can 'make or break' your face, so if that's the case, then 40 bucks is well worth it. Ever since my "eyebrow girl" moved away several years ago, I've gone from place to place. Maybe that's half my problem! The last person to do them was actually trained by Anastasia, and she did a really good job. And it wasn't 40 bucks! I think I should start going to her consistently, and maybe she can get these ugly brows back into shape over some time! She gave me an Anastasia stencil, but I actually haven't used it. I have stencils from the Senna brow kit that I keep using. (I LOVE the Senna brow kit! It's pricey, but also worth it!)