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I have found two things that really help - one I found by accident!

Someone on another board talked about taking Source Naturals Hyaluronic Acid supplements (with Biocell Collagen II) because it "plumped" her lips better than any topical product. I decided to try it and was amazed! She was right about it serving to plump your lips. It also was wonderful for my skin and did indeed make my hair grow faster.

Then, I started to use this shampoo produced by a local spa that I go to. It's an sls-free shampoo, but I think the key ingredient in their is sea kelp bioferment. The stuff is awesome for hair growth. In fact, I may stop using it because I'm having to color my hair way more often than I ever did before. It's very nice stuff - beautiful tropical fragrance too.

Biotin and Horsetail is good but ultimately you have to eat healthy and be healthy. Your hair will grow regardless. What you have to do is retain what you have and to do that you have to baby your hair as one of the other posters said.

My hair, for years, would not grow. It would take years to grow a few inches. Now my hair grows an inch every four weeks. I know this because I have to get my roots done. :rotfl: The only thing I can attribute the fast growth to is vitamins. Since I started taking vitamins everyday I think that is what made my hair grow. It is much more healthy, just overall better.

Scientificaly speaking, hair is made up of a protien called Keratin.

i know that some of the best leave in conditioners and sprays for hair contain keratin which helps to fill in the imperfections, making hair stronger.

i would imagine if you were to take any kind of supplement, one that has this protien would be most useful, but honestly, like teeth and nails.. hair too grows with calsium, so0o just get enough milk (ooor calcium..i dont know if your lactose intollerant or anything haha)

Vitamins most deff!!

I was just reading an article on this - take iron & zinc (helps not only hair but also skin & nails). It said on the article: "Both zinc & iron are key to cell production in hair follicles, a deficiency in either nutrient could also cause hair to thin or even fall out."

... Over the winter I got mono really bad & lost my appetite & hardley ate anything. My hair was gross & thin & falling out & not shiny or thick. Having a good diet makes a HUGE difference. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Ive found sweating helps. Atleast I think when I work out (i run) and get a sweat growing I notice healthier hair and quicker growth

Totally agree about the vitamins! I have been taking GNC UltraNourishair vitamins for about a year and my hair went from neck length to about 2 inches from my brastrap in the back. I also factored in using less heat and washing/ deep conditioning once a week.

This is going to be gross, but here we go... 2 years ago I joined the Marine Corps and we didn't have a chance to wash our hair for almost 2 weeks... which the whole time we had our hair up in a bun (uniform regulations) and I swear to you (after 2 weeks), when I finally took it out... it was like 3 inches longer!

The sad thing is I had to cut it to my ears that day cause it wasn't within regulations. Oh well, it's about as long as it was before I went to boot camp... I didn't graduate btw, I broke a few bones.

i find that my hair seems too grow faster under these conditions...

1) take a multi vitamin... it does not nessesarily need to be for your hair growth but having your body balanced will promote hair growth.

2) eat healthy... that includes tons of protien for me for some reason. the better you eat the faster your hair will grow

3) dont style your hair... okay so that is not entierly true... do what you want just NO HEAT! the heat will just damage your hair so do your best to avoid it. i try to only use heat for special occasions.

4) play with your hair. my hair is really short but i still like to try and put it in french braids (i almost can except at the ends) any way the tension from moving your hair around is essentially the same as massageing your head and will increase the bloodflow and therefore promote growth.

im not sure why im posting this. i supose it is comon sense. but it has taken me a really long time to figure it out

i'm having hair problems too. i started the night shift two years ago and because of the crazy schedule and stress a lot of my hair fell out. plus i lost about 20+ pounds in the last 1.5 years so I think that contributed to my severe hair thinning.

anyway.. i read from a few other threads that Biotin helps so I started taking 5000mcg two weeks ago. Im not really noticing any difference yet but I guess it takes some time. I also stopped blowdrying my hair ebacuse I read that heat is HORRIBLE for the hair! So no more for me! :) I would blowdry my hair almost everyday!

I hope the Biotin works! I think I will start taking a multivitamin as well.

i take these and i think they work very well. i take the gnc hair, skin & nail formula.

if it haven been forever since your trimmed perhaps all it needs is a little trim. I had the same problem before since i left it growing for half a year. after a little trimming, in half a month it grow longer. Just make sure you trim a little, not cut. Trim 1 cm at most,make sure you enphasis on that to the person who does the cutting as often they cut alot more than what you asked them to do.. tsk tsk tsk

If you're growing out your hair, taking care in order to prevent breakage is essential. Be gentle on your hair, wash and care for it gently, and be careful not to brush or style too aggressively, especially if your hair is particularly fragile. Make sure you trim off any split ends, take the time to massage your scalp whilst shampooing, and deep condition your hair often. Its ridiculous how many people don't know how to take proper care of their locks. Make sure you don't use too much or too little of your product, and that you distribute it properly throughout your hair. If your conditioner isn't reaching parts of it, your strands aren't going to magically condition themselves. Use a wide tooth comb, or your fingers to make sure every strand is getting proper treatment.

As many vitamins and supplements claim to encourage hair growth, the thing that will benefit you, and your hair the most is maintaining a healthy food and exercise regime. And this means every day. Do a variety of exercise, eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, and make sure you aren't missing out on any particular essential nutrients. Supplements will be beneficial for those who are lacking specific nutrients, but if you can get them in abundance from your diet, why waste your cash?

I don't know if anyone has said either of these yet, but I've heard prenatal vitamins and mane and tail shampoo.


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