Four habits benefit to your life forums

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Dec 13, 2012
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[FONT='宋体']â‘  have a morning bath[/FONT][FONT='宋体']: [/FONT][FONT='宋体']it will [/FONT][FONT='宋体']helps [/FONT][FONT='宋体']you to [/FONT][FONT='宋体']promote blood circulation [/FONT][FONT='宋体']and let it [/FONT][FONT='宋体']more vigorous, [/FONT][FONT='宋体']doing this way [/FONT][FONT='宋体']you can also adjust [/FONT][FONT='宋体']your mood and feel more active.[/FONT]

[FONT='宋体']â‘¡ a morning stool: you must toilet one time in one day.[/FONT]

[FONT='宋体']â‘¢ do some exercise before get up: you[/FONT]’[FONT='宋体']d better stay in your bed while you wake up,[/FONT]stretch your limbs  [FONT='宋体']and head[/FONT][FONT='宋体'] first[/FONT][FONT='宋体'], and get up after five minutes. [/FONT]

[FONT='宋体']â‘£Have a glass of cold water after getting up.[/FONT]

Sounds like good advice. If I didn't put off getting up until the last possible moment then I might be able to do 3 haha. I already do the rest.

According to me these four habits are ;

# Get up early in the moring

# Go for morning walk

# Take exercise daily

# Eat healthy food 

Originally Posted by albertjr /img/forum/go_quote.gif

According to me these four habits are ;

# Get up early in the moring

# Go for morning walk

# Take exercise daily

# Eat healthy food 
sounds reasonable...

My funda for healthy living is:

1.) To drink as much water as i can.

2.) To eat healthy and stick on purely vegetarian food.

3.) To have a spa weekend. This completely refreshes me up and my skin starts glowing.

My skin looks younger and fairer.


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