French eating vs american eating forums

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Sep 27, 2003
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I'm in love with the Anne Barone's Chic and Slim books. Anne Barone is an American who struggled with her weight most of her childhood and was able to lose it and keep it off for over 35 years by following the way French women eat. She lived in France and after coming back to the US she continued to eat and live the way french women do and write books about it. Her books are the must for any woman in my opinion. They talk about not only about weight management and eating but about how French women are able to look so good and maintain their chic at all times. I bought the Chic and Slim original book while back and read it the same day I got. I ordered the other 2 books and I'm in the middle of reading one of them. I forgot how people generally eat in Europe since I moved here to the US. I used to enjoy eating baguette and cheese. That's what I grew up with even though I was born and raised in Finland not France. Since I've read the book and have followed Anne's tips I've lost about 4 pounds and feel great. I don't think of food being an enemy anymore it's a pleasure. I can highly recommend these books and her lovely website. She posts every day an article on her site and the articles are pleasure to read. Check out for more info.

Hi Reija, I'm going to check out her website, thanks. I also have read that the French stay slim and have lower risk of heart disease because of their wine intake. I try to drink one glass of red wine a day. If it doesnt help my weight at least it takes the edge off! LOL

Originally Posted by shoediva Hi Reija, I'm going to check out her website, thanks. I also have read that the French stay slim and have lower risk of heart disease because of their wine intake. I try to drink one glass of red wine a day. If it doesnt help my weight at least it takes the edge off! LOL I've gotta say I think we in the U.S eat the most unhealthy foods.The French are slimmer and more healthy,So are most Asian countries .I think people have forgotten what fresh food is not this processed crud swimming in grease.
I cant understand HOW the french are slim though. I stayed with a family on a school exchange a few yrs back & they were all SO slim yet they ate SO much. Every evening @ 5pm, we'd all sit down to dinner. Dinner consisted of a 6 course meal EVERY NIGHT. They eat so much cheese & bread, that cant be good for you. I'd love to read this book though Reija. Good on you for losing some weight! Losing wieght is real hard to do, you gotta keep focused & motivated & you're obviously doing that well


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