Glamour Doll Eyes OTM Sept 2013 forums

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Indie Ingenue
Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score

*Ahem.*  I mean... hey guys, finally managed to get an OTM sub!  3 months of awesomeness!  


I'm tempted to pick up the polish, but I think I'm good with just the last month of my sub. Of course, I am already plotting to make sure I re-up next month! I'm hoping that 6-month subs will be available then. I really want to keep this through March!

I got a 2 month subscription for sept/oct. I wanted a 6 but i was just thrilled that i got a page that wasn't the waiting list sign up. I've tried the last few months but there always sold out so fast. I'm really looking forward to the Oct one.

I got a 2 month subscription for sept/oct. I wanted a 6 but i was just thrilled that i got a page that wasn't the waiting list sign up. I've tried the last few months but there always sold out so fast. I'm really looking forward to the Oct one.
Me too! I've been trying since MARCH! The sign up time was always right when I was picking my kids up from school. Then once it was summer the time kept switching around and it was always when I was out doing something w/my family! I was so happy to finally get a sub! And during my fave fall months too!
Mine, too! I just know it's going to get here before the Julep they shipped on Thursday and that I ordered on the 30th. WTF, Julep? I live three hours from your shipping facility! It should not *sit there* for a week. I've had stuff from *Australia* get here more quickly.

So excited , i just got my tracking number . I know i would be picking my son up from school and waiting for the subscriptions to open and without fail the teacher would come out and want to ask me to drive for a field trip out something random and I'd miss it lol.

I got mine! One of my favorites so far. This is the last month of my sub and I really hope I can grab a slot for next month!

Pixie Dust - light silver with purple and blue sparkle. SO PRETTY. Sorry for the dark pics...bad lighting in my room when the sun isn't out!

The bag itself is nice - velvety on one side, and the organza type stuff on the other. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I got mine! One of my favorites so far. This is the last month of my sub and I really hope I can grab a slot for next month!

Pixie Dust - light silver with purple and blue sparkle. SO PRETTY. Sorry for the dark pics...bad lighting in my room when the sun isn't out!

The bag itself is nice - velvety on one side, and the organza type stuff on the other. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


Ohhhhh pretty! Mine should be here within the hour :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

This is the last month of my sub too...have to set an alarm or something so I don't forget to sign up for October! I've gotten so used to getting mine automatically the last few months. 

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I got mine! One of my favorites so far. This is the last month of my sub and I really hope I can grab a slot for next month!

Pixie Dust - light silver with purple and blue sparkle. SO PRETTY. Sorry for the dark pics...bad lighting in my room when the sun isn't out!

The bag itself is nice - velvety on one side, and the organza type stuff on the other. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


Ohhhhh pretty! Mine should be here within the hour :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

This is the last month of my sub too...have to set an alarm or something so I don't forget to sign up for October! I've gotten so used to getting mine automatically the last few months. 

The bad thing is that I'm at work when subs open up...hopefully I'm able to snag one with my phone, never tried. ahhhh. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I've had an alarm on my phone for the past few months, and I haven't missed them going up, but the problem for me has been that I wanted a six-month sub, and the one time that was available, it sold out while I was checking out.  But October will be a doesn't-matter-how-many-months-as-long-as-I-get-one month, so I just have to make sure I jump on the site right when they go live.  I'm always at work when that happens, but I happen to have the sort of job (data entry, desk-centric, left more or less to my own devices all day) where I can actually "take a break" right when something like this happens, especially when I know in advance.  

ETA:  Ooh, mine arrived today!  *Totally* not expecting it until Tuesday at the earliest!  I can't believe how *sparkly* it is.  Love it. I'll be saving it for next weekend (Comic Con!  I'm not doing cosplay, but I like to have fun new things to wear/use whenever I have An Event to go to like this, and I'm on a no-buy for eyeshadow, so I'm *really* happy to get this right now.  Totally appropriate for a con and at just the right time!).

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

What time do these go up again? Noon PST?

It has been varying the past couple of months.  In August, they went up at 4pm.  In September, the email with the availability time *went out* at about 12:30pm, and the signups opened at 2pm.  This month's email hasn't gone out yet, and it wasn't announced on Facebook, so you just have to keep an eye out.  I'm thinking it must be another afternoon release due to the email delay.

*sigh* The GDE site does *not* like my new browser (new computer = new browser).  I kept getting weird server errors.  I finally switched to my phone, which it's okay with, but the 3-month subs sold out when I was in the middle of checking out.  I did manage to snag a two-month sub (and some sample jars of things that were Halloween colors but are now part of the permanent catalog), though.  I'll have to remember to just use my phone in the future, which shouldn't be *too* hard since these usually go up when I'm at work anyway (I just happen to be on vacation this week, so I'm using my laptop right now).  And now they're just down to a one-month sub.  


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