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From top to bottom: Angel Wings, Vulnerable, Graves in May, Heedless Heart, Brown Eyed Girl, Dusk

Angel Wings is a white, pinky color. This would be a great highlight color.
Vulnerable is a peachy gold color.  
Graves in May is a golden purple color.
Heedless Heart is a rose-ish gold color.
Brown-Eyed Girl is a silvery purple color. It is similar to Graves in May but (obviously) a bit more brown.
Dusk is a beautiful dusky blue-grey.

Top to bottom: Dusk (again), Boyfriend Sweater, Katie's Storm, Downtown, Unicorn

Boyfriend Sweater is a purple-y brown, that's mostly matte and no shimmer.
Katie's Storm almost blends right into my arm! It's a great neutral taupe.
Downtown is a very shimmery golden brown, with blue and gold sparkles.
Unicorn is a shimmery purple (obviously).

I love Boyfriend Sweater and Graves in May the best out of the whole bunch.
I got my OTM last week and I am in love with it. I only signed up for a 3 month OTM subscription, but now I wish I had signed up for a longer one! I definitely plan on using more of these shadows, they seem fanastic.

Originally Posted by BisousDarling /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I got my OTM last week and I am in love with it. I only signed up for a 3 month OTM subscription, but now I wish I had signed up for a longer one! I definitely plan on using more of these shadows, they seem fanastic.
when April 8 comes around, I'm going to get a longer sub. I started with a 3 month sub in Feb just to see how much I liked it, and now that I love them, I need to go for longer!

Originally Posted by thehellwithit /img/forum/go_quote.gif

when April 8 comes around, I'm going to get a longer sub. I started with a 3 month sub in Feb just to see how much I liked it, and now that I love them, I need to go for longer!
You definitely want to act fast. I was only able to secure a three month, because as soon as I went to pay up, the six months' were all sold out lol! I think after next month, I need to renew..can't even remember now lol.

Originally Posted by MissLindaJean /img/forum/go_quote.gif

You definitely want to act fast. I was only able to secure a three month, because as soon as I went to pay up, the six months' were all sold out lol! I think after next month, I need to renew..can't even remember now lol.
thank you for the tip! I'm going to have an itchy trigger finger.

I am totally going to risk being late for class just to snatch the 3 or 6 month sub next month. Both of the slots in February and March opened on a Friday morning which I won't be in front of a computer at noon...sigh

I feel like a dirty rotten no good enabler! Haha. I'm glad to see everyone recognizes that GDE is where it's at!

Originally Posted by Airi Magdalene /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I feel like a dirty rotten no good enabler! Haha. I'm glad to see everyone recognizes that GDE is where it's at!
GDE is definitely amazing! I can't wait to get a job and splurge on GDE!!!

wow these are lovely. I am just getting into indie cosmetics and looking at these swatches, I have a feeling I'll definitely need some! 

Oh! I just received my latest order: Four sample jars (half of the brand new colors that were not Halloween or OTM colors last year) and a Hydraglaze (well, plus the January GWP: a full-sized jar of a January-only shade called Cliche, which is a gorgeous shimmery medium purple). I had been going back and forth between whether to get Luna or Sailor's Delight, and I decided to go with Sailor's Delight this time around because it's hot pink, and that's where I like to start with a new lip product even if it doesn't show up as screaming hot pink on my lips. GDE sent me a sample of Luna! Yay, I love these clamshells! They are *fantastic* for makeup bags, especially small bags that just contain a very few very essential items (hand sanitizer, Tylenol, lip product, perfume oil, and hair ties) for a con. (I'm hoping my February order will be the V-Day collection and maybe another Hydraglaze, but that's going to depend on what happens Monday with the stock levels of that collection. I think I just want all of the shadows. Well, really, I want it *all*, but that blush just looks way too bright for me to be able to pull off!)

What great shades here.  I have never tried them out.  I look forward to though as some of those colors are pretty intense!


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