Grey Blonde? Someone Explain! forums

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Aha! I figured out how they get the color by looking at that picture of Pink. When you bleach your hair out, in order to get the white that so many people want, you need an ashy toner. These people are using a violet toner!

I love this girl and I feel bad posting this but she has REALLY grey blonde hair. She's going for that colour, too. It took her a lot of work to get this color.


well, hers looks a lot better than some I've seen... honestly, Bec is spot on with the scraggy, dry looking hair all boofed up and super layered... with BRIGHT ORANGE skin. ICK!

A girl I knew had very grey blonde highlights in her medium/dark brown hair. It really just looked like she had that salt/pepper thing going. We were freshman in high school I think, so guys kept making comments about her grey hair and she kept yelling 'IT'S PLATINUM, NOT GREY!'

Originally Posted by KatJ /img/forum/go_quote.gif Aha! I figured out how they get the color by looking at that picture of Pink. When you bleach your hair out, in order to get the white that so many people want, you need an ashy toner. These people are using a violet toner!
Yupper, I know if I leave my blue shampoo in too long, bits of my hair turn a bluey/grey colour - not attractive! lol

Originally Posted by Bec688 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Just to add to the image, these girls also usually have a really dark orangey tan to go with it, oompa loompa style. Lmao!! Exactly what the girl I described looks like!And she runs her hands through her hair all the time and seeing her orange stained fake tanned hand against her grey-blonde hair is just scary lol

i've seen some chicks and girly dudes rock it. i dig it cuz its different. but only if theyre hair is actually GREY GREY not just platinum gray like an old lady

Coming from a small town, I havent seen anyone like this.... that is, until I went to university in the city.. Oh wow. There was this one girl in particular, so grey, so orange,and always soo dolled up. I bet it took her like 3 hours to get ready in the morning. She always had her hair 'done' and by done i mean like updos or fully curled and pinned up in some intricate way plus a crap load of makeup ( glamorous yes, but everyday for school?) she reminded me of a barbie head to toe. She herself was a very beautiful girl( she could have given meagan fox a run for her money)

It seems that a lot of these girls are trying to match the barbie doll 'ideal'.

I guess I'm in the minority because I absolutely love this color! When it's done right, it's striking and ethereal. See here past 1:10 (YouTube - Taryn Power in Sinbad- 01) In order not to look cheap or trashy in this color, your skin can't be darker than a subtle glow and even your features can't look too sexy or it could resemble the look of a working woman if you know what I mean. The hair shouldn't be too short or too layered or else you will get the punk or scene look. The style of clothes shouldn't be overly glamorous, but more importantly, it shouldn't be too sexy or edgy.

This clip actually inspired me to bleach my hair blonde. My natural hair is a medium to dark ashy brown so I will try to bleach my hair with Dream Blonde 100 Ultra Lightening maybe two times in two weeks. To tone it I suppose I will buy a purple conditioner. That's my plan for now

Ooh, on a completely unrelated note, I LOVE Pink's silvery eye shadow in Rosie's picture! But yeah, the hair...not so much!

gee my hair looks like that but it is natural. i am 60 and have behind length hair. i still have some dark blonde in my hair. i can't wait until it all turns silver. but like you said i am old! lol

it's a hit or miss. it looks great on models and young celebs with cool/cold complexions

It looks awful on those who don't have the attitude and of course, you need to have style/be trendy to pull it off.

have a model's face....edgy...editorial...and you need the attitude!

I love it!


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