WOW!!!! Thank you so much Tony (and Reija), Trisha, Gail, Laura, Jess, Anya, and Janelle. I had a very busy morning so didn't get a chance to check MuT. My daughter had her kindergarten class pictures taken this morning, then my husband and I picked her from school to go to Denver. We decided as a family to enjoy a day together and just have fun for We went to the mall first and then a really nice seafood restaurant. We were there for more than 2 hours, the food was excellent and the service was great. By the time we came back to Colorado Springs, it was almost dinner time again! We had a blast and I got lots of information for which brand of skincare to go with next. I had tried a few samples before and the sa also gave me bunch more. I'll be done with them in a week or so and then I will decided what I need to order. My husband's present for me was gift certificate for Nordstrom so it will be perfect. I really really really thank you all for the nice wishes. I am sorry I was away and didn't reply sooner. I am 36 years old today
Originally Posted by lilla WOW!!!! Thank you so much Tony (and Reija), Trisha, Gail, Laura, Jess, Anya, and Janelle. I had a very busy morning so didn't get a chance to check MuT. My daughter had her kindergarten class pictures taken this morning, then my husband and I picked her from school to go to Denver. We decided as a family to enjoy a day together and just have fun for We went to the mall first and then a really nice seafood restaurant. We were there for more than 2 hours, the food was excellent and the service was great. By the time we came back to Colorado Springs, it was almost dinner time again! We had a blast and I got lots of information for which brand of skincare to go with next. I had tried a few samples before and the sa also gave me bunch more. I'll be done with them in a week or so and then I will decided what I need to order. My husband's present for me was gift certificate for Nordstrom so it will be perfect. I really really really thank you all for the nice wishes. I am sorry I was away and didn't reply sooner. I am 36 years old today
Sounds like you had an awesome day! I'm so happy your birthday was great for you!!! Enjoy!
Thank you Liz, Have no fear, I have no problems finding things to buy at Nordies
Originally Posted by lizzyb831 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Glad to hear you had a good time!
Since you're on MUT, you probably know what to spend that $$ at Nordies on
Originally Posted by lilla My husband's present for me was gift certificate for Nordstrom so it will be perfect. WAHEY!! I bet you'll have fun spending that