Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince & Twilight movie release dates moved.

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Jul 6, 2008
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Twilight was moved to November 21, 2008 and Harry Potter moved to July 2009.

I have to wait another year for Harry Potter!!!!!

I read that this was to fit better with American summer time, but I think they'll lose out in the sense that they're missing the Australian summer/christmas holidays.

But people will still go and see it because they love it. I'm frustrated about the twilight movie, I was looking forward to seeing both of these and I'm sad that it will be so much longer til they come out!

The Twilight movie was actually moved a month earlier! =D

But I was so sad when I heard about the Harry Potter move.

lol, true, the movies will never be as good as the books, but still, i like watching them. too bad. oh well, i suppose i'll have to enjoy Twilight even more.

OMG I was so angry when they pushed back HP. I don't really care for twilight since I'm not a fan (haven't read the books). but HP...why HP . T__T I want my delicious Ron~ ahaha

It was purely coincidental, nothing to do with Twilight at all. Once Harry Potter was moved back Twilight was offered the spot, and they took it, wouldn't you?

I'm bummed, I like the Harry Potter movies, though exicted that Twilight has been moved forward...yay!

I cannot wait for Twilight. I am obsessed with the books. I am about to start Breaking Dawn. I really hope the movie is almost as good.....I don't want to be dissapointed.

OMG. I loove the HP series. I had the last book overnighted and warned all family and friends not to spoil the ending. I made it a point not to listen to the radio or watch t.v because I didn't want to know the ending beforehand. I am a proud Harry Potter nerd.

Originally Posted by Modirty80 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I cannot wait for Twilight. I am obsessed with the books. I am about to start Breaking Dawn. I really hope the movie is almost as good.....I don't want to be dissapointed. You'll love Breaking Dawn! I just finished it! I can't wait for the movie. I don't think I'll be disappointed because it'll be entertaining even if it's not exactly like the movie!
I'm waiting for the movie to come out to watch breaking dawn.. I did that with HP and I never regretted it... I think I'll really enjoy the breaking dawn series! as for HP, the books are much better, it's just too hard to fit the whole story of the later books into one movie. I still enjoy them though!

I have yet to read the books, i've heard about them but never really took the time to read.

Originally Posted by pinksugar /img/forum/go_quote.gif I'm waiting for the movie to come out to watch breaking dawn.. I did that with HP and I never regretted it... I think I'll really enjoy the breaking dawn series! as for HP, the books are much better, it's just too hard to fit the whole story of the later books into one movie. I still enjoy them though! Twilight..

I think they chose the perfect actor to play Edward Cullen - Robert Pattinson. Will it take long for the movie to be released in Australia after it's release in the US ??


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