Has anybody bought NYX eyeshadow from this site?

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Oct 7, 2005
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I am planning to try some NYX e/s and they are available at a store near me but I didnt find much e/s there.I am planning to buy from an website.How good is this site?Do they deliver it without delay?Is the website trustworthy?I am really anxious to hear from those people who have ordered from this site.I am not sure if I can post a website like this here and ask but if its not allowed,pls go ahead and delete it.

this is the website:

Eyeshadow, Eyeliners and Mascara by NYX Cosmetics


I'd buy them from cherryculture.com

The site you want to buy from seems more expensive.

There is some NYX stuff on sale at cherry culture... plus shipping is super-fast.

I haven't bought from either of them, but I know there's a code for NYX for 25% off in the Coupons forum to buy it directly off their site. I think most have done that or gotten it from CherryCulture.

Originally Posted by laur_8706 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I also buy mine from avenue you. they are very good! Is it just me? I can't find NYX on this website. Maybe they stopped selling it there?

I recommend cherryculture.com, also. They have a great selection of makeup and they ship fast. Plus, their NYX is almost always on sale.

Originally Posted by bella1342 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Is it just me? I can't find NYX on this website. Maybe they stopped selling it there? No...it's not just you. I couldn't find it either.


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