Has anyone used L'Oreal skin genesis?

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Nov 26, 2005
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hey ladies i was thinking about getting the loreal skin genesis product, but i didn't want to waste more money on skin care products that don't work. that and i'm not sure if it's too mature for my skin. i just turned 28(i can't believe it and don't look like it). people always think that i'm not even 20 until i show them my id, but my skin obviously isn't the way it use to be. especially living in fl now.

ive been wondering that myself.

i got a sample of it something from the line in the mail, i havent tried it yet though.

i just ordered a sample last night, but by the time it gets here i'll probably forget that i even ordered it. i hope it works. i was trying to decide between that and the new neutrogena free radical one. the loreal you have to buy 2 different bottles which one bottle alone is i think 24 $. i'd hate to waste more money.

Originally Posted by AngelaGM /img/forum/go_quote.gif Where can I get a sample of it? I would like to try it myself=) Right here Angela. I'm going to send for them myself.
L'Oréal Skin Genesis

I would also like to know if this is any good. Please let me know if it has worked for anyone.

Originally Posted by kaville /img/forum/go_quote.gif Right here Angela. I'm going to send for them myself.
L'Oréal Skin Genesis

Thanks for posting the link. I'm going to order one, as well.
Hey all, just thought I'd let you know, my local CVS has all the Skin Genesis products on sale for 75% off!! Plus, I got a $2 coupon with my sample. So...I paid like $4.25 for a product that's usually $24.99 I think it was! So, if anyone wants to try it, now would be the time to get it!

Originally Posted by kaville /img/forum/go_quote.gif Hey all, just thought I'd let you know, my local CVS has all the Skin Genesis products on sale for 75% off!! Plus, I got a $2 coupon with my sample. So...I paid like $4.25 for a product that's usually $24.99 I think it was! So, if anyone wants to try it, now would be the time to get it! wow, thanks, i'll have to check mine out. i got the 2 dollar coupon too.

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